Lots of little annoying things

Self-explained! ;-)
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Lots of little annoying things

Postby BrianRichards » Wed Mar 17, 2004 03:09

It would be great if the programmers could expand the boxes that show such things as Mounted Drive locations, eg. long directories do not fit in the provided space. When typing values in the edit-fade window the window must be closed to allow keyboard shortcuts to work again. Keyboard shortcut editor should display the currently selected preset. These things do not take a lot of programming time and could be easily fixed.


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Re: Lots of little annoying things

Postby per » Wed Mar 24, 2004 16:24

I would like to add a few things to Brians list of annoyning details:

First of all - the waveform display.
- A new project always starts with a 24H time scale. It should be possible to change this.
- I really hate the way the waveform moves (hops) around on the screen. Every time I make a change, everything moves! The most logical solution (to me) would be to lock the display to the current cursor position and change the zoom around that, so that the contents under the cursor remains in the same position.
- Every time I make a change in e.g. the Settings dialog box, every open window (mixer, VU-meters, tools, etc) moves to a default position in the middle of the screen. Then I have to put them back where I want them again. I'm working with two screens and all these things (incl the cursor) moves to the intersection between the two screens.

Other annoying things:
The text boxes and menus in e.g. the CD or Media windows doesn't seem to work as you would expect - i.e. as in other Windows programs. You can't tab between fields. You can't put the text cursor where you want it - you have to move there with the arrow keys. The menus are sort of sticky. If you open one menu and then click on the next menu, you would expect that the first menu was closed. But this doesn't happen. Why?

MP3: If you try to create an mp3-file from 24-bit data, the program crashes wothout explanation and warning. Not so good.

I'm running version 4.1.1. Maybe some of these things are fixzed in 4.2?
Otherwise it'a a great program!!

BrianRichards wrote:It would be great if the programmers could expand the boxes that show such things as Mounted Drive locations, eg. long directories do not fit in the provided space. When typing values in the edit-fade window the window must be closed to allow keyboard shortcuts to work again. Keyboard shortcut editor should display the currently selected preset. These things do not take a lot of programming time and could be easily fixed.

Sound Processing AB

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Postby mfilter » Wed Mar 24, 2004 18:16

And another one.....

Why do mono and stereo buss sends default to "on" when a new mixer strip is created?


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Postby Fred FINAND » Thu Mar 25, 2004 15:34

To Per :
Every time I make a change in e.g. the Settings dialog box, every open window (mixer, VU-meters, tools, etc) moves to a default position in the middle of the screen. Then I have to put them back where I want them again. I'm working with two screens and all these things (incl the cursor) moves to the intersection between the two screens.

Try to update your Graphics card Driver !

I have a Matrox G400 dual, and I had the same problems, but it was not due to pyramix. Since I've upgraded the driver, the problem is fixed !
Enjoy testing !

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Postby lgabiot » Wed Mar 31, 2004 23:33

It would be great if the programmers could expand the boxes that show such things as Mounted Drive locations, eg. long directories do not fit in the provided space


I agree with you. I mentioned the same problem in the post "digitizing session improvement",
and have the same difficulty with the mixdown windows. As the path to some folder is long, I can't see which folder I choose
and so I'm not able to know where I process the sound, very annoying.

Best regards,
