Bursts of white noise/static

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Bursts of white noise/static

Postby Steve » Thu Oct 21, 2004 21:02

Hello all,

Lately I have been experiencing frequent bursts of white noise/static from my Pyramix. It is very loud and jarring. I am editing one channel of spoken word for an audio book, with the media being 24 bit wav files. This has happened periodically over the last 6 months but has recently worsened dramatically. Interestingly, I don't remember this happening with pmf format files. I'm suspecting the wav files are the issue here....has anybody else experienced this? Any input appreciated.

Steve Rush

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Postby benoit » Thu Oct 21, 2004 21:33

Yes I have.

Extract of one of my mails on the beta-forum:

"...i noticed that those bursts happen when pyramix is synched through audio-input from a madi-feed, in this case coming from a SIU-100 or a DMX-100.

i know that it's not the recommended solution (so far, sony even disabled any way to synch audio over madi-audio-signals in their boxes), but interesting effect in any case.

i'm not saying that this special sync-constellation might be the only cause for bursts, but with the daws concerned, it only happened in this special case.

so - how does your setup exactly look like?
Which mykerinos-daughterboards, which I/O's, how is your system synched?

I don't think that the problem is related to the file-format.

hochschule der künste bern
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Postby Steve » Thu Oct 21, 2004 22:52

Hi Benoit,

Thanks for your reply and for the information within.
My setup is very simple: One Mykerinos MB4 card with Dual i/o daughtercard. Right now I am monitoring through analog outputs 1&2. The bursts happen only on playback. System is on internal sync. We have 4 systems like this, the white noise bursts have happened on 2 of them. We also have several native systems, and the bursts have happened on 1 of them. The audiobook I am editing now was originally extensively edited on a native system, and the editor tells me he experienced no bursts on this audiobook, although he has experienced them in the past on others he's edited. When I transferred the archived files to my Mykerinos based system I experienced 3 bursts in the first 10 minutes. Rebooting did not help.

Possibly related: sometimes when I scroll left and right while listening/editing the audio skips.

Question: could these bursts happen due to importing 24 bit files into a project originally set at 16 bits? So far I believe the bursts have happened only on projects I received from other editors, and I'm wondering if they are perhaps setting up the project incorrectly.

What else can I tell you.....I'm using a Dell Dimension 8250, 2.4G P4, 512 mb RAM, Pmix v4.3.2, XP Pro Service Pack 1, internal IDE drives which are 25% empty and defragmented.

Steve Rush

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Postby Bernhard Guettler » Thu Oct 21, 2004 23:14


You might want to replace the .wav files with rendered .pmf files and see if the problem goes away. Also are you using native Waves plug-ins?


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Postby benoit » Thu Oct 21, 2004 23:14

hi steve,

sounds like nothing in your situation applies to mine, but with the same results - i don't know what to say...

hope to see this further investigated by merging asap.

a last question - which batch (serial number) of mykerinos do you have, and which model?

to bernhard: i've had this problem with projects made out of pmf-files, and no waves-plugins.

hochschule der künste bern

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Postby phaseboy » Thu Oct 21, 2004 23:47

Hi Steve,

I have experienced this a little, and an editor who works with me has experienced it much more. It's been hard to pin down specifics but I would say: This has only happened to us with BWF files - never with PMF, SDII, AIFF, etc.... It is has happened on a least 4 different systems with different clocking set-ups, and completely different sessions. Now the interesting thing is the following:

My colleague is convinvced that it is somehow related to zooming/scrolling during playback. For a long time I was not convinced however recently I was working on a large project and had had no problems over the course of 3 weeks. My colleague sat down to do some work on the same material and immediately had noise bursts like you describe several times. I almost never zoom around while playing when I'm editing, she always does. After the first few bursts she decided to work differently and stop zooming/scrolling while auditioning. Hasn't had the problem since. Again - this had only been a problem for us with BWF media.

BTW - Merging has all thess details and is working on resolving it.

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Postby phaseboy » Thu Oct 21, 2004 23:49

OH, and FWIW - this has happened on systems with MB3, MB4 and MB5 cards, and also on a native laptop system.


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Postby benoit » Fri Oct 22, 2004 00:11

"It is has happened on a least 4 different systems with different clocking set-ups, and completely different sessions. "

here, it happened on 3 different systems with _alternate_ clocking configurations (audio-input mode with madi-feeds), all with the same data-format (pmf) and on different sessions...
i _never_ had this (with one exception, working with an experimental dll, so not relevant here) when clocking pyramix to WC (nanosync) or running it as a master.


the question is - are we talking about the same thing & the same type of noise? some ugly +700dB burst, stopping after a few seconds and freezing the meters - & no more sound afterwards (in the best case)?

hochschule der künste bern

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Postby phaseboy » Fri Oct 22, 2004 00:22

Hey Benoit,

Sounds like we're experiencing different issues. In our case - I would call it full-scale white noise. Stop is usually hit immediately upon hearing the noise. Then if play is pressed again - the session will play normally. Other than the noise itself the systems funtions normally during and after the bursts.

What Steve was describing sounds as if it's the identical issue we've been experiencing.


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Postby Steve » Fri Oct 22, 2004 01:13

Hi folks

Thanks for all the replies. Here are some answers to questions posed and some observations:

Bernhard: no Waves plug-ins are being used.
Benoit: My Mykerinos is an MB-4, serial 15267. Dual I/O daughtercard, serial 60304

My noise sounds like Mark's....full-scale white noise. Normal playback resumes after stopping the audio. I too have a feeling it's related to scrolling...I scroll a lot when I edit, and keep it set to 'free cursor' under the 'view' menu. The editor who first worked on this did not have 'free cursor' selected (ie, in effect, the track 'auto-scrolls') and had no problems . Also, as I said in my second post, the audio sometimes skips when I scroll.

I guess I will try not scrolling as much and see if the problem goes away.

Steve Rush

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Postby Steve » Mon Oct 25, 2004 21:35

I've spent some time editing without manually scrolling and indeed when I do this I do not experience the white noise bursts. But my editing is much slower and this is not a viable long term solution. Also, now and then I forget and reflexively scroll quickly while listening and am nearly given a heart attack by the reappearance of the white noise.

Bernhard mentioned converting the wav files to pmf files, which do not exhibit this problem. I am well into the editing of a 6 cd audiobook program and a lot of edting has already been done on each cd. Is it possible for me to convert to pmf files and have the projects open up with the edits in place?
