PMX12 Masscore Win10 plugin problems

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PMX12 Masscore Win10 plugin problems

Postby bemi » Thu Jan 23, 2020 16:39

Dear colleagues,

i did it: updated from Win7 to Win10 (so i have 1809, unfortunately) and from PMX10 to PMX12. Runs, but Waves VST3 Plugins (updated, too) don't work any more. Other VST3 plugins (e.g. Lexicon) work fine.

On startup PMX loads the plugins, i can see them in the list, but i get an error if i select one.

Any hints?

Furthermore PMX crashes on insert of the VB C10 Limiter VS3 plugin :/

Best Regards, Michael "bemi" Bernhard, BEMI Tontechnik GbR - PMX 12, Masscore, HAPI

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Re: PMX12 Masscore Win10 plugin problems

Postby tiborknowles » Wed Feb 19, 2020 21:06

Im under the impression that VST3 is not stable in PMX. Do others concur with this sentiment?

I am using VST from various companies: Softube, Flux, Brainworx, etc...

Found that the VST's will fail if I add one during playback. Adjacent VST's start stuttering and generating noisy tones.

Any insights about how to avoid this catastrophic failure? Does stopping playback to add VST's simply side step the problem?

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Re: PMX12 Masscore Win10 plugin problems

Postby fl » Thu Feb 20, 2020 17:17


I went through the upgrade to Win10 a couple of months ago, so I think I know how you feel. "All that effort, for this???"

I don't use any Waves plugins myself, but I remember there was an issue with their VST3s in Pyramix 11, which has probably carried over to version 12. Take a look at viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13991&p=39899&hilit=Waves#p39899

I don't know if this will help or not, but maybe take a look at the thread here entitled "VST3 Plugins Unavailable" in the Native forum, and my post at viewtopic.php?f=14&t=14357&p=40712&hilit=plugin#p40710 which tells how to locate the "AvailablePlugins.pms" file so you can delete it, which will force a rebuild of Pyramix's plugin database. I'd say it's fifty-fifty whether this will solve your issue, as there is still the prevailing issue with Waves.


I use VST3s from various plug-in suppliers, some of which are iLok authorized, and I've never had an issue with any where I didn't also have the same issue with the plugin's VST2 version as well. Most of the time they just work, but then again, I don't have any Waves plugins. I do have some from Voxengo, Eventide, NuGen, Celemony (Melodyne), Izotope, Tokyo Dawn, TBProAudio, and several others - they all work just fine from their VST3 incarnations. I should point out that I'm running Pyramix 11, as my Mac Mini from late 2012 only has a third generation Intel processor.

That said, I've always stopped the transport before making any changes to the plugins I have mounted in the mixer, because in earlier versions of Pyramix, it required a Mixer re-build to incorporate them properly. Now, it's just a habit for me to stop playback before making any changes to the Mixer.
Frank Lockwood, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Pyramix Native 11.1.6
• Mac Mini 6.2 (3rd Gen. Quadcore i7) - Bootcamp 6.0.6136 - Win10 Pro SP1 64 v1809
• RME Fireface 800 ASIO driver 3.125 or ASIO4All 2.15

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Re: PMX12 Masscore Win10 plugin problems

Postby Graemme » Sat Mar 28, 2020 02:38

Hello Ti!

I just stop the transport and load VST plug-ins that way. Works.

PMX is not as robust or resource efficient with VST as say WaveLab or (especially) Reaper is. However, WaveLab has it's own issues with certain resource-intensive VST plug-ins, including some of the iZoTope offerings. So, it's a constantly moving target, no matter the platform ;->
Graemme Brown
Zen Mastering
1460 Wild Rose Drive
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"A Horus, A Horus; My Kingdom for a Horus!"

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Re: PMX12 Masscore Win10 plugin problems

Postby bemi » Wed Jun 03, 2020 18:35

Thanks Frank, i'll give it a try. Sorry for not having been back such a long time ...
Best Regards, Michael "bemi" Bernhard, BEMI Tontechnik GbR - PMX 12, Masscore, HAPI