Automation Sync with clips ?!

Self-explained! ;-)
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Automation Sync with clips ?!

Postby Fred FINAND » Mon Dec 01, 2003 15:50


I tried to use auto-ripple to insert some audio event in an edl
The good thing : All clips after the inserted one moved
The bad thing : Automation datas stayed at there original positions :?

I reached my request by this way :
1/ Enable "Cut/copy automation",
2/ Cut all clips afte the time I want to insert
3/ Insert the new clip
4/ Paste clips at the end of the inserted one !

It's too much time spending :evil:

I suggest that automation could sync in both mode :
- Automation attached to Time line
- or Automation attached to clips !
Enjoy testing !

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Postby mfilter » Thu Mar 11, 2004 17:14

Yes I would also find that very useful!

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Postby Geo » Thu Mar 11, 2004 18:01

Yes Please !!! I am on my knees begging.