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Corrupt .pmi - beware !

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 19:17
by Old Sadie
I have just encountered a problem with a .pmi file generated from a project.

The project constisted of set of stereo clips (1 per CD track) on a single pair of tracks with no processing applied: very basic. This was used to generate a CD image file from which I then burnt a client listening copy and a DDP master.

I had fully auditioned the stereo clips before making the pmi file, which I always do to ensure I have missed nothing.

However, the client came back reporting tiny faults in two out of 12 CD tracks. These appear to have crept in as the pmi was generated. Basically Pyramix seems to have muddled some 18 frame blocks of audio. It is random, and only ever on 1 channel at a time. Given that it was a quite extreme metal band most of the problems were almost undectable unless you knew the music intimately, so it was like looking for a needle in a haystack! This was a close call as the DDP had gone to the plant.

Has anyone else had this happen?

Merging say not, and that ultimately the system can be trusted not to occasionally throw up a problem.

The only way I can figure to be sure there is no problem is to generate a pmi, then generate the DDP, then import the DDP back into a new project then listen to it, or create another 'post DDP' pmi file for the final check CDR. Complicated and time consuming for a professional piece of equipment!

Having made another pmi file from the same project the problem has not recurred and it doesn't appear to affact any other masters we have done. We have never experienced any type of DDP problem before in 10 years (9 on SaDIE).

Any suggestions?
