Markers Tab list

Self-explained! ;-)
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Markers Tab list

Postby Silas » Tue Nov 08, 2005 17:23

Hi All,

I would like it if the markers list would stay scrolled to the last point or auto-scroll to the newest activity in the list when changing track groups etc. Sometimes I have to use markers to locate takes in the Source Group. When I make a change in the Dest and return to the Source the markers list is back at the top and I need to scroll down again to get back to where I just was. In the current project there are 200 markers so this gets tedious...


John Mayfield
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Markers Tab List

Postby John Mayfield » Sun Jan 29, 2006 00:13


I also would like to see the markers list stay scrolled where I last added a point. A regular project I do can have as many as 80 start ids that are manually added (at specific measures in the music) and thus manually identified in the markers list. I am constantly having to grab the scroll bar to reach the bottom of the list to type the id name. At the very least, use of the mouse scroll wheel would be nice.

John Mayfield

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Location: Cambridge, MA, U. S. A.

Postby sonicjones » Tue Feb 07, 2006 15:59

Yes, indeed. Just one of several issues that if those responsible for fixing it had to sit in front of clients or depend upon the troublesome feature regularly, it would be fixed already. Pyramix needs to be an incredilbly-good editor, and until these types of meat-and-potatoes details such as inappropriate scrolling and clip-based waveform auto-scaling are addressed, it won't be. This is v5 after all.