Insert automation menu for sections of the mixer too
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 08:39
In classical recordings I often find myself only wanting to automate fader gains and possibly mutes and Aux sends. However by default the whole mixer is following the global automation mode, which makes automating the mixer a minefield. So following feature request:
In the same way you can select a "level 2" dynamic automation for only one strip, or only one bus, or the whole mixer, (see page 417 of the manual), I would like to be able to tell pyramix to isolate all Vs3 and VST3 effects, or all Panners, or all Gains, or all EQs, or all Aux sends etc. (so each mixer section separately, and maybe even specific kinds of, or specific effects) of the mixer, or of the selected strip, or of the selected bus, from automation. This way I can configure the mixer in a way, that I only automate exactly what I want, AND I have visual feedback on the mixer of what I am currently automating, AND pyramix doesn't need to write and read automation curves, that are not needed (hopefully helps with performance).
Ideally these menus would be assignable to shortcuts, so that you could configure macros that immediately configure your mixer in the right way f.ex.
This feature would also be a huge time saver and helper for when recording automation live, f.ex during a concert recording.
Please PLEASE implement this feature
In classical recordings I often find myself only wanting to automate fader gains and possibly mutes and Aux sends. However by default the whole mixer is following the global automation mode, which makes automating the mixer a minefield. So following feature request:
In the same way you can select a "level 2" dynamic automation for only one strip, or only one bus, or the whole mixer, (see page 417 of the manual), I would like to be able to tell pyramix to isolate all Vs3 and VST3 effects, or all Panners, or all Gains, or all EQs, or all Aux sends etc. (so each mixer section separately, and maybe even specific kinds of, or specific effects) of the mixer, or of the selected strip, or of the selected bus, from automation. This way I can configure the mixer in a way, that I only automate exactly what I want, AND I have visual feedback on the mixer of what I am currently automating, AND pyramix doesn't need to write and read automation curves, that are not needed (hopefully helps with performance).
Ideally these menus would be assignable to shortcuts, so that you could configure macros that immediately configure your mixer in the right way f.ex.
This feature would also be a huge time saver and helper for when recording automation live, f.ex during a concert recording.
Please PLEASE implement this feature