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Please list all bugs as soon as they are discovered!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 04:20
by Thomas Grubb
I must say the 11.1 update has caused an awful lot of grief with newly-introduced bugs, but it would be a great help if any new issues with an update are listed at the top of the forum, or an email sent to all users when a bug is discovered.

Apart from other users being tripped up by the preamp bug and the swapped controls because of coming across it during a recording session, I’ve just managed to stop a DDP going out that had a big click at the end - I only discovered that this was a newly introduced bug in 11.1 by reading the hotfix release notes this morning!


Re: Please list all bugs as soon as they are discovered!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 21:56
by NikolaiGabriel
Yes! A complete list would be great. The ... d=41713669 seem to be missing a lot.