I would like a way to embed pyramix markers to BWF files?
Ideally, I would like to be able to make a cd project and be able to export the project as one contiguous BWF file with the markers embedded for export to DigAS.
Embedding markers to BWF
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Re: Embedding markers to BWF
Is this coming in the v8 cycle?
With the new revision of how markers work, I was hoping to see this implemented.
With the new revision of how markers work, I was hoping to see this implemented.
Re: Embedding markers to BWF
Well, not yet.
As best I can see, when you're working with BWF files, all the metadata associated with the Notes and Media Markers created in the clips (as opposed to on the Timeline) are stored in a small file with the same name as the clip with the suffix ".mmd". It seems doubtful whether third party programs will be able to deal with these, even if they are nothing more than text in XML format. Also, because it's an external file, you have to make sure to "Update Media Markers to Media Files", before deleting clips or closing the session.
Personally, I'd be happy if there was some quick and convenient way of transforming Clip Markers to Timeline Markers, and vice versa. Then the old standby, "CD Mark Groups" could be brought to bear when creating a disc. How about a "Create Timeline Marker for Selected Media Marker", or "Create Timeline Markers from Selected Clip Media Markers", and "Create Media Markers in Selected Clip/Region from Timeline Markers" (with a dialog to select the type of Marker - Excellent, False Start, etc.). From this you could maybe find a way to treat Media Markers like Trigger Points so you could "Allign selected Media Marker with Selected Timeline Marker".
It's nice to have the markers associated with a clip stick to the program material even after editing, but it would be useful to have the same easy access to editing the Media Markers as is currently available with the regular, Timeline markers - things like "Move Selected Marker to Cursor", and not having to go burrowing into the Markers Tab to edit comments and Marker names.
Kvetch, kvetch, kvetch... (as if the new version hasn't presented us with a whole pile of goodies).
As best I can see, when you're working with BWF files, all the metadata associated with the Notes and Media Markers created in the clips (as opposed to on the Timeline) are stored in a small file with the same name as the clip with the suffix ".mmd". It seems doubtful whether third party programs will be able to deal with these, even if they are nothing more than text in XML format. Also, because it's an external file, you have to make sure to "Update Media Markers to Media Files", before deleting clips or closing the session.
Personally, I'd be happy if there was some quick and convenient way of transforming Clip Markers to Timeline Markers, and vice versa. Then the old standby, "CD Mark Groups" could be brought to bear when creating a disc. How about a "Create Timeline Marker for Selected Media Marker", or "Create Timeline Markers from Selected Clip Media Markers", and "Create Media Markers in Selected Clip/Region from Timeline Markers" (with a dialog to select the type of Marker - Excellent, False Start, etc.). From this you could maybe find a way to treat Media Markers like Trigger Points so you could "Allign selected Media Marker with Selected Timeline Marker".
It's nice to have the markers associated with a clip stick to the program material even after editing, but it would be useful to have the same easy access to editing the Media Markers as is currently available with the regular, Timeline markers - things like "Move Selected Marker to Cursor", and not having to go burrowing into the Markers Tab to edit comments and Marker names.
Kvetch, kvetch, kvetch... (as if the new version hasn't presented us with a whole pile of goodies).
Frank Lockwood, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Pyramix Native 11.1.6
• Mac Mini 6.2 (3rd Gen. Quadcore i7) - Bootcamp 6.0.6136 - Win10 Pro SP1 64 v1809
• RME Fireface 800 ASIO driver 3.125 or ASIO4All 2.15
• Pyramix Native 11.1.6
• Mac Mini 6.2 (3rd Gen. Quadcore i7) - Bootcamp 6.0.6136 - Win10 Pro SP1 64 v1809
• RME Fireface 800 ASIO driver 3.125 or ASIO4All 2.15
Re: Embedding markers to BWF
It is going to happen somewhere in the v8 cycle. We have ISRC in BWF, now.
FL, you're speculating again...No one is expecting any 3rd party translation of the new .mmd marker files. We will have fully translatable markers at some point.
FL, you're speculating again...No one is expecting any 3rd party translation of the new .mmd marker files. We will have fully translatable markers at some point.
Graemme Brown
Zen Mastering
1460 Wild Rose Drive
Gabriola Island, BC
Canada V0R 1X5
"A Horus, A Horus; My Kingdom for a Horus!"
Zen Mastering
1460 Wild Rose Drive
Gabriola Island, BC
Canada V0R 1X5
"A Horus, A Horus; My Kingdom for a Horus!"
Re: Embedding markers to BWF
Good to hear Graemme!