M1 max and Pro Monterey compatibility

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M1 max and Pro Monterey compatibility

Postby Silbercue » Sat Nov 27, 2021 22:29

Hello everyone!

I wonder when Anubis is supporting apples new silicon chip Mac books M1 Max and M1 pro. I recently bought one of these hell machines and I’m very impressed by the performance and would love to run my DAW on it. I saw the support for Big Sur was accomplished on January 2021 which is nearly 1 year ago.

Does anyone information about when Monterey will be compatible?

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Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:17

Re: M1 max and Pro Monterey compatibility

Postby antoszka » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:49

My experience so far with the M1 Max is that with the two 1gbit interfaces I tried I get extreme drops in playback and record. I don't have any other NICs to try, so can't say whether it's a problem with the Ethernet driver/hardware, or whether there's some hardcoded loops or whatever else in the driver that causes it to lose track in playback.

Haven't come across issue with Monterey compatibility on my older macs, where everything works more or less reliably (as long as you never get a reliable setup on Ravenna, it's hit and miss on any OS and any hardware).