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7th order HOA to Binarual on Anubis headphone outputs

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 20:40
by tiborknowles
Hello Merging Team,

Is a 7th order HOA2Bin planned for Anubis? If so, when?

The HOA2Bin plugins Im downloading off the internet are crashing PMX12. Specifically SSA and IEM binauralizers make PMX unstable.

I am unable to find 7th order presets for the Mathias Ambix Binarualizer. If the merging team can provide a 7th order Binarual preset for Ambix in the mean time, that would be great. As the Mathias Ambix plugins seam to be the most stable.

Thank you, Tibor

Re: 7th order HOA to Binarual on Anubis headphone outputs

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:18
by Ricardo Ryan
Hi Tibor,

Is a 7th order HOA2Bin planned for Anubis? If so, when?

We're considering adding a HOA2Bin and SPK2Bin in Anubis at some point.
However target date is not clear yet.

Best Regards