Anubis+Hapi pre-purchase questions please

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Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2023 02:34

Anubis+Hapi pre-purchase questions please

Postby Hugh » Fri Mar 31, 2023 02:43

We have been looking for a replacement for the JBL Intonato units we've previously used as they're no longer manufactured and I'm currently waiting for an Anubis+Hapi system (purchased for another build) to arrive for evaluation. In the meantime I have a few questions please -

Our perceived needs -
A - Broadcast Atmos speaker capability for our audio control room, at the moment limited to 5.1.4 analog I/O. The Calrec broadcast desk has a monitoring section so a good deal of the down mix and summing functionality won't be used. Additionally for this same system another 6 channels of I/O as a backup for the video control room Anubis+Hapi. Total of 16 analog I/O with monitor processing.
B - Separate Anubis+Hapi system for the video control room, currently 6 I/O, plus another 10 channels of I/O as a backup for the audio Atmos Anubis+Hapi. Total of 16 analog I/O with monitor processing.
C - Multi-band EQ, trim, and delay on each of the 16 outputs.
D - The Anubis needs the ability to function standalone without Aneman, a PC, or any control devices attached except the Hapi I/O. When the broadcast truck's power is turned on the Anubis+Hapi needs to power up and function as previously set up with Aneman with no computer or human intervention. The unit will be connected to our engineering network for initial setup and control, then we'll isolate the streaming audio to avoid interaction with our engineering vlan's other gear.
E - Both sets of speakers per Anubis+Hapi (Audio CR + Video CR on one system, Video CR + Audio CR on the other system) need to operate independently. Ex - system 1 - speaker "controls" affect Audio CR I/O only, system 2 - speaker "controls" affect Video CR I/O only. I can explain that further if needed. This is about redundancy in case something fails.

I appreciate all the documentation and tutorials you've put online, that answers quite a few questions. After reviewing what I can I have a few questions please -
A - It appears I can use a significant number of eq bands per output while using all 16 needed outputs. I think I read something like 384 bands total. Is it accurate that all configured outputs can use eq within the total band quantity limitation? I saw one video that was indicating 8 bands per output which will be sufficient for room tuning.
B - For the Video CR I'll need to set up some presets for 5.1 and down mix capability. Can those be triggered via GPI? Or perhaps I need to use MIDI?
C - Using an Anubis+Hapi configured with two 8-channel AD/DA cards, what is the approximate round trip latency from Hapi analog > Anubis eq processing > Hapi analog? The network will only consist of the two Hapi and two Anubis units so latency can be dialed reasonably low in this case.
D - All the Anubis online setup resources list installing VAD/MAD as the first step then using Aneman for configuration. In daily use these devices won't be talking to a DAW or any PC, and we don't want to install audio drivers on our engineering PC control systems. Those engineering PCs are used to control our network devices across multiple vlans and we don't want to burden the PCs with any streaming audio. Is it possible to run Aneman to configure the Anubis units without VAD/MAD? Will Aneman discover the Anubis units without VAD/MAD installed as long as the correct nic is selected? If not we can install VAD/MAD then uninstall I suppose but that makes changes more difficult.
E - Much online information has the Anubis+Hapi running as link-local, we need everything to be a static IP address on a specific lan. Can those units be set up for static IP address?

I think that's it for now, I look forward to our folks getting me the units to try out. Please let me know any information regarding the above questions.
Hugh Healy

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2023 02:34

Re: Anubis+Hapi pre-purchase questions please

Postby Hugh » Mon Apr 03, 2023 19:04

Is anyone able to provide insight on any of the questions?