Anubis Premium - Spectrum bandwidth question

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Anubis Premium - Spectrum bandwidth question

Postby ivity » Tue Dec 27, 2022 13:08


Hope you are doing fine and safe.

I'm in the process of deciding whether to buy Merging interface, and, if you don’t mind, I have several questions about Anubis series, both Pro and Premium.

1) I checked Anubis Premium specs and noticed, that it has 11 Hz-94 kHz frequency response bandwidth on microphone preamps/inputs.
I work as sound designer and constantly using Sanken CO-100K ultrasonic mics, so my goal is to get the most advanced audio interface with maximum audio spectrum bandwidth.
In case of 384 kHz sample rate - audio spectrum bandwidth should be around 190 Khz. So, the question is: are microphone inputs on Anubis Premium have some kind of LP filtering after 94Khz, or they use full 190Khz bandwidth (when sample rate is set to 384Khz)?

2) I checked some audio forums and noticed that Anubis is sensitive to network interfaces. Do you have a list of compatible PCIe network cards?
I will use PC withWindows 10 workstation and dedicated PCIe network card for Anubis.

Thanks in advance!