DSD Monitoring via HAPI with Anubis

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DSD Monitoring via HAPI with Anubis

Postby jkurtz11 » Mon May 25, 2020 01:29

Sorry to those on the Pyramix users FB group for the double post, just trying to get official confirmation on this

I've just been getting around to setting up my Anubis premium for 5.1 surround monitoring and I'm using it in conjunction with a HAPI with DA8-P card. My 5.1 amp is fed from analog outputs 1-6 of the HAPI DA8-P. PCM 5.1 sources work as expected following the instructions in the manual. Sounds great! However when I try to listen to a DSD 5.1 source I had some awful full-scale signal followed by some weird noises. I had to quickly shut down the amp. I know there are still some restrictions on DSD with the Anubis but I was wondering if this is one of them. Stereo DSD sources feeding stereo monitors connected directly to the Anubis work fine, but when I switch to surround monitoring connected to the HAPI D/A, I get this full scale signal, but only in DSD. Is there a firmware update for the DA8-P card I'm missing? Is there a setting I'm missing on the HAPI? Or is this still just a limitation on DSD surround monitoring via a secondary device? Anyone have experience with this? FYI, I'm playing DSF files via Roon on a mac. The Ravenna core-audio driver correctly switches over to DSD64 DOP mode, and the HAPI and Anubis both display DSD/DXD mode. As I said, stereo DSD to my stereo monitors connected directly to the Anubis work fine.

Newest firmware on Anubis and HAPI, latest VAD core-audio driver. DA8-P Run 11
