Windows 7 and 8 to adopt bundled updating

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The "Merging Cellar" is the place where you can share your tasting experiences and discuss everything from technique, artistic matters or even business practices, but not necessarily about Pyramix. Feel free to pick the brains of the talented Merging forum users. Enjoy.
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Windows 7 and 8 to adopt bundled updating

Postby fl » Tue Aug 16, 2016 16:46

Microsoft has announced that they will be changing the way it will be issuing Security and software updates for Windows 7 and 8, starting in October, to a bundled, "roll-up" model, similar to that used for Win10.

No longer will we have control over which individual updates get applied - it will be all or nothing. Furthermore, each month's bundle will contain each of the previous months' contents, so that if a certain update breaks some function critical to Pyramix, subsequent months' will just continue to break it until such time as MS, or more likely Merging, issues a workaround or patch. Telemetry gathering patches will be unavoidable and it's unclear at this point whether the user will even retain the ability to control when (or if) the updates are applied.

Given the tactics Microsoft employed over the last year during the whole "Get Windows 10 for free" debacle, combined with their penchant for issuing buggy software, it seems likely that some Pyramix users will view this development, as I do, as highly unwelcome. In my case, a forced upgrade to Win10, for example, would cause my Bootcamped Macs to become unusable, since Win10 is not supported by Apple on my machines. This could get expensive.
Frank Lockwood, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Pyramix Native 11.1.6
• Mac Mini 6.2 (3rd Gen. Quadcore i7) - Bootcamp 6.0.6136 - Win10 Pro SP1 64 v1809
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Re: Windows 7 and 8 to adopt bundled updating

Postby DJS » Sun Sep 11, 2016 05:25

Win10 is wonderful, much better OS than 7. Its not all bad. Soon RTX and PMX will be Win10 compatible. It is inevitable. W7 is impossible to update now anyway, takes days and often doesn't complete. W7 is now 7 years old.
David Spearritt
Classical and Acoustic Music, BNE, Australia