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How to do it multitracking in Nuendo( Cubase) via the Mykerinos drivers?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:21
by Taurus
Hello there,
With the ASIO Mykerinos drivers I only get two channels of audio in/out of Cubase 5. I would like to use all twenty four channels digital in/out.
Laurent writes:
"To have more than stereo: You have to rebuild the mixer, making as many in/out you need, and then DAW will recognize it".
Can I get a little more detail on that, please? How to do it?
Thanks in advance for the answers.

Re: How to do it multitracking in Nuendo( Cubase) via the Mykerinos drivers?

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 16:51
by fl
"Rebuild the mixer" refers to how the Pyramix Mixer functions, where you can add output busses in Mono, Stereo and Multichannel.

As you are using Nuendo, you must find a similar function there, and I'm afraid I have no experience with the program. Is Nuendo capable of having multi-channel mix busses? Can you edit the architecture of the mixer?