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IOS Touch Controllers

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 15:59
by Ben Wood
Its just a bit of fun but I've been experimenting with using TouchOSC and AC7CoreMini on an iPhone to control Pyramix

TouchOSC works great using TouchOSC Bridge and mapping the incoming Midi to the Pyramix mixer. Slightly labourious but its very responsive.

Drawbacks are
- fader resolution, only 0-127 so you get pretty huge steps. I did think about using a 2 byte message like pitch bend for greater accuracy but can't find anything on the net
- faders not touch sensitive so when you release it still writes automation till stop.

AC7CoreMini works using rtpMidi and setup it up in Pyramix as a Mackie Control controller.
It integrates well with faders and transport and all the setup is done for you.
The main issue is the lag, it unusable at the moment. Theres a good second or two delay between moving the fader and seeing a result.
Also it suffers from the same touch automation fader issue as with TouchOSC

AC7CoreMini would be great if not for the huge lag, I cant understand the difference in responsiveness between TouchOSC and AC7Core. Both over the same WiFi connection to the same DAW. I dont have access to the HD version of AC7 on an iPad. Looking at youtube videos, it looks fine when controlling Logic or PT.

Any thoughts welcomed

Ben Wood

Re: IOS Touch Controllers

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 07:23
by OlleGrane
I use Neyrinck V-Control with an iPad2 for Pro Tools 11 (and it works prefectly, the app is written for a selection of daw´s, unfortunately not PMX) and I´m looking into getting it to work with Pyramix as well. So far I can get it to do a lot of the stuff (without lag) but can´t seem to get the meters going right, only one is showing any sign of life and I´m not sure what it represents... Strangely the ProTools - setting in the V-Control app works better than the Mackie HUI - setting. I´ll experiment some more.
Anyway, Neyrinck suggests that you should turn off Bluetooth connectivity on the iPad since it uses the same radio bus and therefore makes the connection slower, which results in lagging. Might be worth a try? :idea:

Having a wifi remote on a cheap iPad is really great! :D