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Eucon responsiveness??

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:26
by just.sounds
Dear all,

I want to buy the oasis option to make pyramix work with some avid artist controllers i have but i noticed slow response of some programs, reaper and sequoia using these controllers especially adding tracks and undo/redo take ages and most of the time i turn off my controllers for editing because of this reason. Is this something you recogise or does pyramix have a better implementation and rock the artist controllers :) I also am curious if the artist transport is well implemented with the wheel actions.

Kind regards

Boy Griffioen

Re: Eucon responsiveness??

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 23:39
by Julian Gough
There are quite a few on this forum who say they are using Avid controllers and none have reported a problem such as you describe. I use OASIS to drive a Tango controller and the whole system is very responsive. When reconfiguring the mixer in Pyramix, the controller shuts down for about 10 seconds while it rebuilds itself but once back on line it is fine.

You might like to try posting your question in the 3rd Party Controllers forum, there appears to be more people passing through there and perhaps you are more likely to get a reply. Failing that, go to Pyramix General.


Re: Eucon responsiveness??

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 00:25
by klaukholm
We have several systems hoked up to 5MC and one simultaneously a 5MC and a tango and we have not seen any such problems with Pyramix or Protools.

Re: Eucon responsiveness??

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 23:10
by just.sounds
Sweet, i'm going to try it!