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Cant' select Disk at Once mode with Discwrite

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 22:41
by uelikarlen

I have a strange problem: When I try to burn a CD with Discwrite, it doesn't let me chose the 'Disk at Once' option, and burns the CD using the 'Track at once' mode. I'm using a Iomeag ZipCD 650 USB CD burner. I know it worked with version 4.0, but not anymore with 4.1.

Anybody has an idea?


Ueli Karlen

disc burning

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 01:45
by Steve
Hi Ueli

Do you have the proper cd burner selected in the Discwrite window? Make sure in the 'target' window of Discburner you have the right cd burner listed...

Good luck,

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 15:49
by uelikarlen
Hi Steve,

I have just the Zip CD Burner connected to my PC, and it is already selected when I start DiscWrite. So this can't be the solution. But thank you anyway for your hint.

