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3 PMX questions

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 22:50
by Rubato
1. Once I've created CD markers, I'd like them to ripple with the clips when I do further edits that make the clips ripple. I thought that this would be achieved with the "Markers/Tracks sync" in the upper L corner ('link to any group", etc.)by linking to, say, the group that is my destination group; but so far this will not work for me. What is the solution?

2. I'd like a clip I have selected on my timeline to snap to the original place it was recorded into PMX. I've been trying "Edit--->update media original TC" and PMX warns me "Are you sure you want to update the original timecode for all media referenced by the selection?This operation is NOT reversable." I click 'yes', but the clip does not move and nothing seems to have changed. Am I using the right function to achieve my desire?

3. When using the graphic display of envelope or the automation controls, I'll often have no way to place a new point on the line. This is because the cursor will often fail to turn into a 'pointing finger' when I hover it over the line. I've spoken with a beta user who tells me that the current release candidate RC6 4.1.21 is likely to become the final 4.1 version, but I know this problem, at least, is resident on the current software version. Will this be fixed?

thanks, folks!

Mark Lemaire

Re: 3 PMX questions

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 09:22
by Bernhard Guettler
Hi Rubato,
Rubato wrote:1. Once I've created CD markers, I'd like them to ripple with the clips when I do further edits that make the clips ripple. I thought that this would be achieved with the "Markers/Tracks sync" in the upper L corner ('link to any group", etc.)by linking to, say, the group that is my destination group; but so far this will not work for me. What is the solution?

Link it to your particular destination group, not any group, and it should work. Only problem then still exists: when you delete a selection where a CD marker is inside, that marker is deleted as well, not rippled by the length of the deleted selection.

Rubato wrote:2. I'd like a clip I have selected on my timeline to snap to the original place it was recorded into PMX. I've been trying "Edit--->update media original TC" and PMX warns me "Are you sure you want to update the original timecode for all media referenced by the selection?This operation is NOT reversable." I click 'yes', but the clip does not move and nothing seems to have changed. Am I using the right function to achieve my desire?

Just copy the clip and paste it to the original timecode (menu edit or with the placement tool)
What you did means you overwrote your original timecode with the timecode of the current timeline position and you will never be able to recover the original recorded timecode.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 06:58
by Graemme
Hi Mark,

I have never seen the problem you mention with regard to the envelope and automation-and I use them all the time. Is the main window the 'foreground' window (coloured or 'active' title bar) when you notice the problem?



Re: 3 PMX questions

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 07:06
by Graemme
Hi Mark,

You wrote:

Rubato wrote:1. Once I've created CD markers, I'd like them to ripple with the clips when I do further edits that make the clips ripple. I thought that this would be achieved with the "Markers/Tracks sync" in the upper L corner ('link to any group", etc.)by linking to, say, the group that is my destination group; but so far this will not work for me. What is the solution?

The current behaviour of Pyramix is that the markers are 'related' to the timeline and not the clips themselves, (at least as far as movement in the timeline is concerned.) With 'auto-ripple' turned on, the markers move with the clips.



Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:01
by Rubato

Interesting your reaction to the automation problem! I know at least one other user (a beta tester) who knew exactly my problem and also wondered whether Merging would ever fix it. Nevertheless, I must try your suggestion asap...

RE: Markers- I'll try the auto-ripple suggestion. I find Bernhard's suggestion also of interest, tho. He suggests using the 'markers link' window and linking the markers to my destination group. Will this work as well?

If not, what IS that window for? (except to 'lock groups', which I now know works quite well...).



Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 06:55
by Rubato

Thanks for the 'auto ripple' tip. How I missed that I cannot tell you...

On the automation/ graphics problem: Try this- I'll include all the boring details- and see if you don't get the same results:

-Open up a track to maybe 5" high.
-Right-clicking on the "A", get "gain bus 1" onscreen. Have the gain set to "0db".
-draw a fade from "0db" down to, say, "-144db" and then back up to "0". Have the fades take most of the width of the screen.

-now try to add another point along the downward fade. For me, hovering the mouse over the fade only produces a 'pointing hand' when I hover very close to the points that are already there. Any further than, say 1/4" from those points and the hand will not appear. If you wave the cursor around onscreen trying to get a 'pointing hand' anywhere nearer the midpoint of the fade, the hand only appears if the cursor is hovered an inch or more from the fade line. This seems to me to be a pretty silly thing!

More info: If the fade you draw is less 'deep'-- like just a 50db fade, then the pointing hand will appear along the midpoint of the fade closer to where it should- perhaps 1/4" from the fade line. Less deep fades create even less problem, but one can almost never add a point to a given line without 'moving' the level of the line, because the pointing hand won't appear absolutely directly over the fade line (until, that is, a point is already on the line. PMX will, of course, access the point itself when you hover over it).

The problem with the graphic display of the automation that is most obvious (and that we have all experienced) is when one has, for instance, a level that is even and static- (for instance a straight -5db level) for the whole song. Trying to simply put a point along this line that does not change the -5db level is just about impossible. In fact, there is no way to add a point to an existing line without changing the curve.

Isn't this, in fact, a problem?


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 09:07
by Graemme
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the excellent (not boring!) detail in your automation problem report. I'll be away from my studio for several days, but I will get a chance to use my laptop Pyramix soon. I'll check out your report then.

In the mean time, please send this to "" (if you haven't already done so). From reading your report, it may be that you and I use the automation differently.



Rubato wrote:Graemme-

Thanks for the 'auto ripple' tip. How I missed that I cannot tell you...

On the automation/ graphics problem: Try this- I'll include all the boring details- and see if you don't get the same results:

-Open up a track to maybe 5" high.
-Right-clicking on the "A", get "gain bus 1" onscreen. Have the gain set to "0db".
-draw a fade from "0db" down to, say, "-144db" and then back up to "0". Have the fades take most of the width of the screen.

-now try to add another point along the downward fade. For me, hovering the mouse over the fade only produces a 'pointing hand' when I hover very close to the points that are already there. Any further than, say 1/4" from those points and the hand will not appear. If you wave the cursor around onscreen trying to get a 'pointing hand' anywhere nearer the midpoint of the fade, the hand only appears if the cursor is hovered an inch or more from the fade line. This seems to me to be a pretty silly thing!

More info: If the fade you draw is less 'deep'-- like just a 50db fade, then the pointing hand will appear along the midpoint of the fade closer to where it should- perhaps 1/4" from the fade line. Less deep fades create even less problem, but one can almost never add a point to a given line without 'moving' the level of the line, because the pointing hand won't appear absolutely directly over the fade line (until, that is, a point is already on the line. PMX will, of course, access the point itself when you hover over it).

The problem with the graphic display of the automation that is most obvious (and that we have all experienced) is when one has, for instance, a level that is even and static- (for instance a straight -5db level) for the whole song. Trying to simply put a point along this line that does not change the -5db level is just about impossible. In fact, there is no way to add a point to an existing line without changing the curve.

Isn't this, in fact, a problem?


CD tracks and markers behavior

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 19:41
by Steve
Hi folks-

I was glad to learn that CD track markers (and comment markers) will follow the audio if 'auto ripple' is engaged. However, it appears that:

-it is not possible to cut and paste audio w/markers and have the markers appear in the new pasted file.

-it is not possible to select a clip with markers on it and then highlight and move that clip and have the markers move with the clip. Instead they disappear!

Or am I missing something?


Re: CD tracks and markers behavior

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 06:51
by Graemme
Hi Steve,

Unfortunately, you are right on both accounts.

I have asked for the marker behaviour to be more closely linked to the clip-please do the same if you would also like that. If it does get modified, it won't be until sometime after 4.1 is released.

Your last point is most definitely a bug ( the marker doesn't disappear on my systems, it 'snaps' to the track in question's end marker.)



Steve wrote:Hi folks-

I was glad to learn that CD track markers (and comment markers) will follow the audio if 'auto ripple' is engaged. However, it appears that:

-it is not possible to cut and paste audio w/markers and have the markers appear in the new pasted file.

-it is not possible to select a clip with markers on it and then highlight and move that clip and have the markers move with the clip. Instead they disappear!

Or am I missing something?
