Distortion on playback only

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Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 19:51
Location: Boulder, Colorado

Distortion on playback only

Postby Steve » Tue May 20, 2008 20:34

I am having a problem with distortion on playback. Interestingly, if I mix down a section of music which distorts and insert it into my edl, it will distort as did the original file. But, if I import that file into itunes or onto my my laptop native system (v5.0.22), the file plays fine. Also, if I create an image from the problematic file, the resulting cd plays back fine. I'm very confused. This is happening at multiple sample and bit rates. I did notice that if I lower my channel strip fader or the mix buss by 1.5 or so db the distortion on playback disappears. There is headroom on the files, and it happens with or without plugins. The problem is happening on my Mykerinos AES/EBU system with v5.1, that last version before 6.0.

Any input appreciated!


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Location: New Rochelle, NY

Postby Silas » Wed May 21, 2008 21:41

Hi Steve,

Any chance that your monitor panel outputs are routed to the same outputs as your mix bus? If so the mix bus output numbers would be orange instead of white. This would cause them to sum *after* the metering on the mix bus. I've accidentally done this and gotten distortion on peaks in monitoring but not in the files.


Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 19:51
Location: Boulder, Colorado

Postby Steve » Tue May 27, 2008 07:03

Hi Silas,

I've done that before and it wasn't the case this time but you set me on the right track. I opened the 'monitor' control and deleted the associated 'speaker set', made a new one, and voila, problem gone! Thanks for taking the time to post Silas.
