Purchasing used Mykerinos Cards

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Jonathon Stevens
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Location: San Rafael, CA

Purchasing used Mykerinos Cards

Postby Jonathon Stevens » Sat Nov 10, 2007 03:57

Hi, i'm not sure who to address this question to. If I were to purchase a used Mykerinos card to add to an existing Pyramix system is there any kind of fee to add the new card to the existing system? What's the process for adding a card to an existing system? Thanks!
Jonathon Stevens

Posts: 137
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 14:28

Postby dperry » Sat Nov 10, 2007 04:18


I'm not an expert, but in my experience there is no charge as far as software is concerned. You need a ribbon cable to connect the new board available from any Pyramix dealer. You also need to have a daughter card as you cannot connect just a Mykerinos card by itself.

Hope this helps.

David Perry

Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2007 22:49


Postby ledoraud » Mon Nov 12, 2007 18:46

If your looking, I have a Mykerinos, MB-1, a AES/EBU.SRC VERSION, and a MADAT, ADAT VERSION, Both of the daughter cards come with interconnection cables. 2- of them are currently on ebay and have never been used. Below are the links,,

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0185284817
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... otohosting
contact me at
Good Luck