Pyramix LTC out problem?

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Pyramix LTC out problem?

Postby lgabiot » Fri Mar 09, 2007 07:17


While trying to slave another machine to Pyramix LTC out, I observed often a chasing error of e few frame.

I was wondering of course if it was the machine wich had a problem to chase, or if the LTC sent was wrong...

So I did a test: I recorded an LTC out signal, and played back in Pyramix thru the Monitor jack out.
Then I had no more chasing error!

So I went to the conclusion that Pyramix LTC out is not reliable.

Could it be confirmed, and if yes, fixed?

Best regards,


Ricardo Ryan
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Postby Ricardo Ryan » Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:38

Hi Laurent,

Can you tell us about your config.

What Version?
Do you use a Mykerinos PCI Express X-30?
Do you use a Merging AV case system with MTCHIO?
Did you enabled the playback stall checkbox in all Settings?


Merging Technologies

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Postby lgabiot » Fri Mar 09, 2007 19:39


the tested config:

Myk MB1
Pyramix 5.1.8-130 (will be changed to the "good sp1" today...)
No merging AV case
Playback stalls enabled.

Best regards,


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Re: Pyramix LTC out problem?

Postby bodo.biber » Sun Mar 11, 2007 15:45

Hello Laurent,

some time ago I had similar problems with LTC communication. I had a Sequenzer running as slave to Pyramix, that fed the LTC into the MIDI-Interface of the sequqnzer-computer. I always had periodical drop outs during timecode reading. In order to see what happens I recorded the LTC-Signal onto an audio track. The signal seemed to be o.k. So I fed this audio signal into the Interface and was not surprosed to find it working without problems. Then I realized that it could be a matter of signal level. I set the SMPTE-Generator in Pyramix to a higher output level and all problems were gone....

I just post this in case you have not checked levels yet.

Good luck,
best regards,
