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Auto-Scale Waveform, different scales per clip ?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 16:45
by Kees de Visser
When I use Auto-Scale Wavevorm (in order to conveniently display low-level sounds) it appears that every single clip is scaled individually. This causes the waveform of some very low level clips, like room-tone, to be blown up out of proportion.
Is this normal behaviour, is it a bug, or have I overlooked a setting in the preferences ?

Kees de Visser
Galaxy Classics

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 19:47
by Silas
I believe that this is where Auto-scaling has gotten so far. IOW, it is normal and I agree that it is largely useless as it currently stands. I think correcting this is in the queue but I wouldn't guess where :wink:


Re: Auto-Scale Waveform, different scales per clip ?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 21:37
by Professor
Kees de Visser wrote:
Is this normal behaviour, is it a bug, or have I overlooked a setting in the preferences ?

It's old bug. Auto Scaling must scale all visible clips proportional, not every clip individually.

Re: Auto-Scale Waveform, different scales per clip ?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 23:37
by Steve
Professor wrote:
Kees de Visser wrote:
Is this normal behaviour, is it a bug, or have I overlooked a setting in the preferences ?

It's old bug. Auto Scaling must scale all visible clips proportional, not every clip individually.

Bug or intended behavior, it drives me crazy that this is going on. I do a lot of audiobook editing/mastering and with all the edited room tone in my projects using 'autoscale' makes it really hard to see what's going on, and I find myself toggling back and forth between waveform scalings quite a bit. This is another item I really miss from Sonic. Merging, can you consider autoscaling waveform to media instead of individual clips?


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:49
by Ricardo Ryan
Hi all,

This issue/improvement is already present in our Database, known as MT000787. We'll raise the priority for it.

Do some of you want to keep the current behavior and in addition have a Global auto-scale option? Or we should simply change the behavior to Global auto-scale, that's all.


Merging Technologies

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 13:08
by Kees de Visser
Ricardo Ryan wrote:Hi all,

This issue/improvement is already present in our Database, known as MT000787. We'll raise the priority for it.

Good news, thank you !

Do some of you want to keep the current behavior and in addition have a Global auto-scale option? Or we should simply change the behavior to Global auto-scale, that's all.

I'd vote for a "Global auto-scale" only since I don't like the current behaviour and wouldn't use if it were an option. But that's probably because I don't see any benefits in using the current behaviour. Anyone who does ?
On the other hand, amongst the myriads of Pyramix options, one more wouldn't harm, would it ? :)

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 03:26
by Paul duGre
I Love the old behavior!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 07:39
by Steve
Hi Ricardo,

This is great news! I'm with Kees in that I can't see a use for the current behavior but I have no objection to having it as an option.


Kees de Visser wrote:
Ricardo Ryan wrote:Hi all,

This issue/improvement is already present in our Database, known as MT000787. We'll raise the priority for it.

Good news, thank you !

Do some of you want to keep the current behavior and in addition have a Global auto-scale option? Or we should simply change the behavior to Global auto-scale, that's all.

I'd vote for a "Global auto-scale" only since I don't like the current behaviour and wouldn't use if it were an option. But that's probably because I don't see any benefits in using the current behaviour. Anyone who does ?
On the other hand, amongst the myriads of Pyramix options, one more wouldn't harm, would it ? :)

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 09:25
by Ricardo Ryan
Thanks all,

We'll implement the new behavior and try to keep the old one too.


Merging Technologies