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The pesky ALT key sticking

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 08:15
by tdc
I have a rather embarrassing question regarding the ALT key. I am finding that once it is used either for a key command or as a modifier when using the mouse, that upon releasing the ALT key the first menu in Pyramix is highlighted. A second press of the ALT key is required to toggle the menu highlight off.

I must be able to turn off this behavior somewhere in the XP OS?

(Can you tell I am a Mac-User?)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 08:17
by tdc
I should add that I am using a Logitech DiNova Bluetooth mouse and Keyboard.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 16:38
by tdc
-- bump --

No-one to offer any thoughts on this small but increasingly annoying situation of mine?



Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 19:38
by davy lamb
Well, as no one else is jumping in.....

Try a wired keyboard to see if it's a funny with the bluetooth.
We had some sticky keys that were fixed by replacing a long extension cable with one of better quality.

I'm a Mac user too, so like you not used to having faulty computers!! :-)


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 08:32
by tdc
thanks Davy,

Gave your suggestion a go - but the issue remains. Perhaps its some form of disabled access setting with the OS?



Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 01:09
by MorganN

I believe this function applies to the OS and all applications running under it.
I'm not completely sure, but I think this function is hard to bypass since it's kind of a core function.

The menu-toggle function is rather useless in PMX (we all use key-commands anyway) and I was a little bit anoyed with this behavior in the beginning myself.
After using PMX every day for a while, I got used to it and haven't thought about it since..

I'm not sure this helps you in any way, but I
really hope you find a solution that works for you.

Tell us if/how things work out for you.

And PMX for OSX.. That IS a sweet thought. 8)

Kind regards,
Morgan N.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:32
by tdc
Many thanks Morgan,

I was beginning to think that I was the only one here with this issue.



Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 20:16
by Steve

FWIW, this happens to me too but it seems to be inconsequential, ie, it doesn't adversely impact anything. What is a problem for me now and then is that pressing ALT results in Pyramix getting stuck in 'zoom' mode. I have to press ALT again to get it to release zoom mode. And I'm using a Logitech wireless (not bluetooth) keyboard too. I hate this thing...the keyboard often takes a moment to register my commands and I can edit faster than the keyboard can keep up.

Good luck,