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Append CD onto another CD

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 19:44
by sonicjones

I have two projects, each containing a CD. I wish to append the second CD, marks and all, to the first CD. I've tried importing XML by appending but that doesn't do it. I've tried importing XML by insertion and that doesn't do it. Why can't we simply cut and paste audio and all marks at once?!!!! It's just numbers after all.


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 20:34
by sonicjones
OK. Here's my work-around until someone offers a better idea.

I place markers at all CD stop and start marks. I import the 2nd CD into a new project using XML import by replace. I offset the start of the newly imported 2nd CD by the amount of the first–making sure I'm on a CD frame. I then import the tracks from the first CD by XML insertion and copy the 1st CD's markers, then paste those markers into the new project. Then I tediously place a CD mark at each marker.

I await enlightenment.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 03:20
by Roland Clarke
I'm not sure if this helps, but what I would probably personally do would be to import the first CD into one project, duplicate the project and import the second CD. Select all the tracks from the second CD and hit Control + C, open or activate the second project, place the cursor at the point where I want the first of my second lot of tracks to begin and by Right "clicking" select paste to cursor. Assuming all your gaps are set as you want them to be you should be able to auto-generate your new PQ list (not forgetting your preset offsets) and be prettey well ready to go. I can't see this putting together of the two taking more than a couple of minutes even if you want to manually regenerate your PQ points for the second set of tracks.


Roland :D

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 15:27
by sonicjones
Thanks, Roland. Normally, I would do this if there were gaps. In this case, there are none and markers must be placed as they were originally in the individual CDs. I find it odd that XML import can't insert and ripple tracks and all markers. Would be a good enhancement of the import feature.


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 21:45
by Roland Clarke
In that case, for speed you could just place a cut where the markers are in the imported CD 2, cut and paste this into your first project and just tab forward and insert (shift + Alt + Ent?) to create your PQ points.

Hope this helps!


Roland :D

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 22:57
by sonicjones
Yes. Thanks again, Roland. I could do this–except that we do not place extraneous edits in a project. We are creating archival masters for preservation and production masters for the creation of deliverables, and the edits we place are only those that happen as a result of a stop and re-start in the transfer of a tape that, for whatever reason, won't play through. We use an XML export of PQ marks to delineate performances within a master, and all this, from the archival to the access CD must agree so that someone somewhere in the far future can figure-out what the heck we did way-back-when and reproduce it if neccessary.

Very best,

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 17:40
by Johan_Wadsten
if you are using version 5 this can be very simple. It is a two stage process, the first, moving the audio on the timeline of the second CD into the first session, the second is moving the CD markers. For the audio, simply create a global library, select all the media you wish to move across then hold down SHIFT+ALT and drag the edit into the library. then open up the destination session and right click on the edit in the library and select "place> place at original timecode on selected track"- having selected the track you wish them to go to.
With the CD markers, go to the CD page of the second CD session, right click on the CD in the left-hand column and select "copy CD". Then, go to the first session, enter the CD page in the tab window, create a new CD and paste the CD into it. you will then have two possible sets of CD markers and both sets of audio on the same timeline..