Windows 7 compatibility?

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Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby charlienyc » Tue Oct 02, 2018 18:49

Hi all,
Doesn't Pyramix 11 work fine with Windows 7 SP1?

In the latest message about the new update nothing about Windows 7 is mentioned:
Pyramix v11.1 is supported under the following Windows 64bit versions.
Windows 10: Anniversary (1607)
Windows 10: Creator (1703)
Windows 10: Fall Creator (1709)
Windows 10 & Windows 7 SP1: With the Meltdown and Spectre updates
Windows 10: Spring Creator (1803)

I suspect there are still a lot of users on Windows 7. I know I don't plan on upgrading my MassCore systems until Merging stops making Pyramix compatible with it (version 12?) or when it is no longer supported by Microsoft.
I posed this question to support@merging also, but am wondering if others are still holding onto Win 7.
MassCore v14.0.5 Win10/64 i9-10900 & i9-11900K, Avid S3
3x Horus = 80 In/24 Out @PCM
Native V14 Win10/64 i7-12700K miniDSP UDIO-8, Avid S1 & nob controller
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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby mpdonahue » Tue Oct 02, 2018 19:24

We have no intention of upgrading to W10 till 2020 when W7 support ends....even then, who knows.
Mark Donahue
Soundmirror, Inc.
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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby fl » Tue Oct 02, 2018 19:43

I'm right there with the both of you - it's Win7 for me now, and probably forever. If and when Pyramix becomes Win10 compatible only, or when Microsoft discontinues support for Win7, I'll just take my Win7 partitions off the internet and freeze things in their current state. The clients certainly don't care whether I'm running Win10 or not...

Somewhat later, an addition:

I successfully installed Pyramix 11.1.5 on my Win7 Pro 64bit system, and all went smoothly - I suspect that if there were problems with Win7, the installer simply would not run.

I also suspect that the Merging folks were so focused on achieving compatibility with all the different flavours of Win10, they simply forgot to include Win7 compatibility in the Release Notes.
Frank Lockwood, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Pyramix Native 11.1.6
• Mac Mini 6.2 (3rd Gen. Quadcore i7) - Bootcamp 6.0.6136 - Win10 Pro SP1 64 v1809
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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby charlienyc » Tue Oct 02, 2018 21:14

fl wrote:I also suspect that the Merging folks were so focused on achieving compatibility with all the different flavours of Win10, they simply forgot to include Win7 compatibility in the Release Notes.

I figured that too. Still it would still be nice to see it on the list, at least in future if not now.
MassCore v14.0.5 Win10/64 i9-10900 & i9-11900K, Avid S3
3x Horus = 80 In/24 Out @PCM
Native V14 Win10/64 i7-12700K miniDSP UDIO-8, Avid S1 & nob controller
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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby aomahana » Tue Oct 02, 2018 23:22

Actually, Win 7 is in that list ....

Windows 10 & Windows 7 SP1: With the Meltdown and Spectre updates

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby charlienyc » Wed Oct 03, 2018 00:10

aomahana wrote:Actually, Win 7 is in that list ....

Windows 10 & Windows 7 SP1: With the Meltdown and Spectre updates

So it is - thanks!
MassCore v14.0.5 Win10/64 i9-10900 & i9-11900K, Avid S3
3x Horus = 80 In/24 Out @PCM
Native V14 Win10/64 i7-12700K miniDSP UDIO-8, Avid S1 & nob controller
Native V14 Win10/64 ThinkPad P51 i7-7700HQ w/Hapi

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby Ricardo Ryan » Wed Oct 03, 2018 08:15


Yes we stupport Windows 7 as it is written.

"Windows 10 & Windows 7 SP1: With the Meltdown and Spectre updates"

I'll inverted the text on the announcement to make it more clear.
Plus its in the installation guide.


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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby charlienyc » Wed Oct 03, 2018 22:29

Thanks Ricardo
MassCore v14.0.5 Win10/64 i9-10900 & i9-11900K, Avid S3
3x Horus = 80 In/24 Out @PCM
Native V14 Win10/64 i7-12700K miniDSP UDIO-8, Avid S1 & nob controller
Native V14 Win10/64 ThinkPad P51 i7-7700HQ w/Hapi

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby tiborknowles » Thu Oct 18, 2018 20:17

Is there any technical advantage to running Windows 10 vs 7?

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby tiborknowles » Thu Oct 18, 2018 20:25

Specifically with latest PMX Version and Masscore.

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby DJS » Fri Oct 19, 2018 00:11

I love PMX on W10, could never go back to W7. Much better speed, memory and resource management, drivers for new discs, the list goes on.
Being able to edit with PMX on a 40 inch 4K monitor in high DPI modes is transformative.
David Spearritt
Classical and Acoustic Music, BNE, Australia

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby Ricardo Ryan » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:31

Is there any technical advantage to running Windows 10 vs 7?

The advantage is that the newer motherboards and configurations bring more performances and those are no longer supported under Windows 7.
Otherwise Windows 7 remains a good option, but from Merging's part we have no choice but to look ahead as we can no longer purchase Win7 licences nor performing the legacy configurations supporting it, nontheless we still support Windows 7 for the configurations that were certified and I personally still run one on the side.

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby Perfect Record » Wed Jan 02, 2019 00:03

Just a thought-

We're all reluctant to make any OS changes that would break Pyramix. Windows does not support multiple OS on the same machine as Mac can do.

For the last year or so, I've been switching between 32 & 64b Windows versions very easily by using a drive sled in my machine. I have 2 fully set up boot drives. Maybe this is the answer to step your toe into Windows 10 with an easy means of getting back.

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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby mpdonahue » Wed Jan 02, 2019 17:43

FWIW, I run both Win7 and Win10 LTSB as a dual boot on the same machine (Massocre Extended v11.1.5). I can not deal with the requirement to do updates every quarter as Win10pro requires. LTSB gives a very stripped down experience with no bloat and security only updates.
However, I still do all my production work on the Win7 side. I find that both the Masscore VS3 and native VST implementation under Win7 allows me more instances with fewer processor overs on taxing projects. I can take a project from Win7 that plays fine and open it up in Win10 and my DSP goes through the roof and I have garbled playback. I have optimized the systems as far as I can and this is almost universally the case.

All the best,

Mark Donahue

Soundmirror, Inc.

Boston, MA


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Re: Windows 7 compatibility?

Postby DJS » Wed Jan 02, 2019 22:25

I have just in-placed upgraded W10 1607 LTSB to the just released 1809 LTSC and it went very smoothly and fast. Pyramix Native running just fine on 1809 LTSC.
David Spearritt
Classical and Acoustic Music, BNE, Australia