mpdonahue wrote:Yes, through the mixer.archive wrote:How does monitoring work when playing clips within the Renovator window? Is it through the mixer on the channels the clips are rendered from?
the one thing you can't do while rendering is modify the mixer (Solo, etc...) while rendering. I haven't checked in a long time, but you used to be able to to do stuff though eucon with a controller while in render.
All the best,
With a control surface you can adjust the mixer, plus solo, mute etc... while in renovator. Everything works - it's just the GUI is locked in focus on the reNOVAtor window. Besides the mixer I also use my controller to flip between mix busses (stereo/surround/etc...) while the Nova window is open. In actual fact if you have an iPad it's worth downloading Avid's Pro Tools Control App and installing Eucon - even with no other controller the track view in the ipad app is really fast for navigation of the mixer and solo/mute/etc... (Tracks view not fader view).