One way - or possibly the only way - to bounce multiple tracks, including automation, plugins, etc, is to create an object bus with as many "objects" (=tracks) as you need. An object track is just a mono track without any panning.
Say, you have 18 mono tracks and 1 stereo track. You then create an object bus with 20 objects and you can then "connect" a strip to any object channel. Bounce that and you have a 20 channel multitrack ready.
I've been doing this when I have a higher sampling rate multitrack and want to do a Dolby Atmos version in 48 kHz. When I'm happy with the mix, I create the object bus and make a mixdown with SR Conversion. From there, I can do the Atmos panning etc.
I've found this sometimes more convenient than converting the media to 48k and using the same mixer.
Just a tip
Tip: Multitrack Bounce
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Tip: Multitrack Bounce
Sound Processing AB