Questions from a SADiE user thinking of converting!!

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Old Sadie
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Questions from a SADiE user thinking of converting!!

Postby Old Sadie » Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:37

I'm thinking of switching from SADiE to Pyramix. I've had a demo and am generally impressed. However, there was a question about operation I would like answering, and also some candid information:

Operation. On SADiE for detailled edit work you can open an Edit window which shows the audio upto and away from the edit point, plus the fades and 'out take' audio. When working not to picture, it is possible to move the audio relative to the edit point, and have all other edit up or down stream move with the audio. This ensures that no other edits come 'undone'. You can also jump straight to the next edit in the edit window. This is very efficient in classical work, but it appears that there is no similar function in Pyramix. Instead I understand that you have to drag select all audio say to the right of the edit point, do the edit, deselect the audio and then reselct the audio for the next edit. This seems very cumbersome and also risks a piece of audio getting missed in the selection process and ending up out of sync. Can any tell me if there is anything similar to the edit window on SADiE? AMS Audiofile also operate in a similar way.

DDP. We make a lot of DDP Exabyte masters. I gather it is possible to make a DDP image file in Pyramix and then copy it to an exabyte drive. Do you need extra software to enable the Exabyte drive? How do you verify the data on the Exabyte? Do you get a print out of the data quality (as in SADiE)? Has anyone ever experience a faulty master caused by the software (as opposed to operator error!)? If so, how did Merging react (this could be very serious on a long run of CDs!)?

I appreciate your time in 'selling' the system!


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Postby Silas » Fri Apr 30, 2004 16:12

Hi Jon,

I can speak to the first question about editing. As we do 90% classical work we live in this window and YES there is one very much like you describe in Pyramix-it is actually very similar to Sadie's. The Fade Editor exists as its own window with good waveform display of any number of the tracks before and after for both takes in the edit. There is user-adjustable pre and post roll. You can adjust the edit point , fade curves, or either take's position in the edit from within this window without effecting other edits in the timeline (Pyramix always makes time adjustments "downstream" of the edit so previous material remains at its location - unless you set it up otherwise). From this window you can audition any part of any of the takes involved in the edit and you can move from edit to edit without leaving the editor window.

You can access the Fade Editor in many ways. In the Tabs portion of the Pyramix user interface (usually below or to the right of the waveforms depending on how the screens are set up), you can click on Fade Editor and it will open. Double clicking will open it as its own window. One great thing about Pyramix's Fade editor is that it is simultaneously active with the Graphic waveform display so as you select clips in the regular waveform and make changes, the fade editor display keeps up with you. This way you can easily work in both windows without having to open/close or even click to select between them.

I don't know where you are located but it sounds like it may be worth getting another demo from someone who does this kind of work.

I can't speak to the Exabyte question but I'm sure others will.

Best Wishes,

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Postby Geo » Fri Apr 30, 2004 18:43

The Edit Fade window is very nice in Pyramix.

The only function I miss from the old Sonic days is the Ripple Till Black checkbox. It would allow you to work on an edit and would only affect the placement of media in that track up to the first silence it encountered, and leave everything after that untouched placement wise. This is very handy in post work.

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Postby mfilter » Fri Apr 30, 2004 22:52

When working not to picture, it is possible to move the audio relative to the edit point, and have all other edit up or down stream move with the audio.

I think the "auto-ripple" function in Pyramix will do what you want. Also, try pressing the ctrl key while dragging audio with auto-ripple enabled.


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Re: Questions from a SADiE user thinking of converting!!

Postby Graemme » Sat May 01, 2004 01:00

Hi Jon,

Silas nicely answered your first point, so I'll just reply to your DDP questions:

All the software necessary is included when you order the "Mastering Pack" version of Pyramix. Whoever your potential dealer is, they'll have this info available.

Currently you verify the tape while in the DiscWrite application, but there is no printout, just a 'Yes/No" answer at the end of the verification pass.

This is being updated to include a full report on tape health/audio verification as well as the currently printable TOC info. Pyramix also produces DDPi or DDP Image masters for writing to a CD/DVD-ROM.

DiscWrite is a companion application (included with Pyramix) that burns the CD/DDP masters from the Image file that Pyramix creates.

I still own a Sadie Classic and a 24/96 - and I greatly prefer working in Pyramix.


Old Sadie wrote:I'm thinking of switching from SADiE to Pyramix.


DDP. We make a lot of DDP Exabyte masters. I gather it is possible to make a DDP image file in Pyramix and then copy it to an exabyte drive. Do you need extra software to enable the Exabyte drive? How do you verify the data on the Exabyte? Do you get a print out of the data quality (as in SADiE)? Has anyone ever experience a faulty master caused by the software (as opposed to operator error!)? If so, how did Merging react (this could be very serious on a long run of CDs!)?

I appreciate your time in 'selling' the system!

Graemme Brown
Zen Mastering
1460 Wild Rose Drive
Gabriola Island, BC
Canada V0R 1X5

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Postby stephanc » Sat May 01, 2004 15:42

Hi Jon,

I was switching from SADiE to PMX last year (still need to sell my Artemis...), when I noticed that v4 was dead end leaving a bunch of important features unreleased.
As you, I`m doing mainly classical music (recording & editing) and mastering.
SADiE v4 is unusuable as a multitrack editor, and unless you are lucky and rich enough to get a v5 editor, it is a good idea to switch.
Since PMX v4.2, I`m finally very happy with my system.

Regarding your questions:
-The Fade Window in PMX is very similar to the Trim Editor in SADiE or Sonics EFM window. You don`t need to change your behaviour on editing.

-"Slip right" in SADiE is "auto ripple" in PMX, though I must agree that the slip functions in SADiE are more easy to use. But again, remember that PMX accepts track groups that behave different when being slip`d - more features, more ways of doing wrong.

- DDP is an option with additional costs (too pricy if you ask me).
Since I`m on PMX, I do not use DDP premasters anymore unless my client asks for - and then I use the Sonic HD of my partner.
The Plextor Premium I built into my system is an excellent CD writer with exceptional results and basic red book verify functions.

You might miss the functionality of SADiE when your job is heavy mastering work. PMX still stands behind this.
Cutting a premaster directly out of an EDL is not implemented in PMX, but I do my workaround. The extra application "Disc Write" can be run from another PC which is connected via Ethernet, so I can continue my work in PMX while someone else cuts the CD on another PC.
But I agree this is not very handy when doing different versions of a premaster.

If you have any questions, please don`t hesitate to ask!

Best regards,

Stephan Cahen
sempre la musica!