can't drag clips to other tracks

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Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 19:51
Location: Boulder, Colorado

can't drag clips to other tracks

Postby Steve » Fri Feb 06, 2004 03:31

I used to be able to drag clips to other tracks by selecting the clip with the left mouse button and then while hoding the mouse button down dragging the clip to another track. I'm not sure why I lost this ability.....I can still move the clips horizontally within the same track w/the mouse. Anybody know where to enable/disable this feature?


Roland Clarke
Posts: 279
Joined: Fri May 31, 2002 23:57
Location: St Leonards on Sea, England

Postby Roland Clarke » Fri Feb 06, 2004 16:22

I'm not sure, but I suspect that you have Auto cross fade selected.

If you go to view>general settings> hit the editing tag and look for drag and drop, make sure this box is NOT checked.

Let us know if this sorts it out for you.


Roland :D

Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2002 19:51
Location: Boulder, Colorado

Postby Steve » Sun Feb 08, 2004 01:15

Hi Roland

That was it, thanks a lot! That had been bugging me for a long time.

Have a great weekend,