Rendering with Renovator causing clicks

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Jonathon Stevens
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Rendering with Renovator causing clicks

Postby Jonathon Stevens » Mon Oct 12, 2009 04:36

We're noticing clicks at the edges of newly rendered ReNovator files. ie. when the file crosses from the ReNovator rendered file back to the original there is a click or pop. This doesn't happen with all the renders, only sometimes, can't tell why it happens on some but not others. It's happened on 2 workstations, one native, one Mykerinos, both running 6.1.6 Build 750. Running 2 different versions of ReNovator, the latest version and the 2nd from the latest. Anybody else getting this problem? It's kind of a serious issue for us at the moment since now we've got to go back and check everything a second time, wasting much time, frustrating.

I've never experienced anything like this before... so i suspect it's a Pyramix render issue?
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Re: Rendering with Renovator causing clicks

Postby Graemme » Mon Oct 12, 2009 07:10

Hi Jonathon,

I haven't experienced clicks at the render boundaries, but if you zoom in far enough, do you see small gaps there?

Also, check your audio for DC-offset embedded in the media (?)


Graemme Brown
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Jonathon Stevens
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Re: Rendering with Renovator causing clicks

Postby Jonathon Stevens » Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:27

hi Graemme,

Just found the problem, I turned on Automatic Deglitching earlier in the week to get some relief from clicks when i was making fades. As soon as i turned it off the clicks across the reNovator renders stopped. Wish i would have figured that out about 6 hours ago!

It seems that I have misunderstood what auto-deglitching means, I thought the idea was to take out the click when playback stops, but a quick trip to the user guide reveals that a fade will be applied to any clip that has no fade, hence my problems since my reNovator renders were but-splices. Would it be worth while to request that an option be given for auto-deglitch on start/stop playback only, versus any time there's a file with no fade? probably not really a high priority request i guess.
Jonathon Stevens

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Re: Rendering with Renovator causing clicks

Postby Pupo » Fri Oct 18, 2013 20:20

I am having a similar problem, but in this case it's worst if you ask me.
I can monitor some clicks at the end of the rendered clip and some sort of bumps at the beginning of some other. It's not happening on every rendered clip, just in some of them. After turning the automatic deglitching on, some clicks and bumps disappear but other ones that I had never heard before start to appear.

In other words, when automatic deglitching is on, edits a,b,c, n d will pop out. When automatic deglitching is off, edits e,f,g, n h appear, while a,b,c, and d disappear.

I'm still using PMX6.2 on XP...maybe time for a change?

I'll appreciate any help that you can give me.