55 second save!

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55 second save!

Postby Rubato » Wed Jun 11, 2003 07:27

Today, I have been working on a project (still RC5) that is taking longer and longer to save. Now, about 19 minutes into editing & sweetening this 90 minute project, a 'save to disc' takes just short of a minute!

The only things I have been doing that are new to this 44.1, 24bit, 20 track project are volume automation and automating some moves on the parametric EQ plug-in. My other projects that are similar to this project (except for these two features) still save more or less instantly.

Any thoughts?

thanks in advance for your attention

Mark L

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Postby Andy » Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:46

I've had the same problem too. Tech support at merging suggested cleaning up the automation which solved the problem, the downside is you will loose all your previous automation history.

Andy Walker
Crossfade Ltd

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re: project save time

Postby Steve » Thu Jun 12, 2003 20:26

Hi guys

We're having the same problem on one of our Pyramix stations....I noticed the project was taking longer and longer to save, then I noticed the size of the project was several mb.....just 3 edits later it had gone up dramatically in size, and eventually ended up being over 20 mb! I would be interested to know if your projects strangely grew in size the same way.

This is a 2 panel project, one panel is the interviewer and the other the interviewee. The mic position is poor and there are lots of popping p's etc so there are hundreds of edits in there, but no automation yet. But I have done many, many projects like this and this problem has never occured until now. And, it is only happening on 1 of our 3 Pyramixes!

By the way, copying the audio to the clipboard and pasting it into a new project seems to solve the long-save big-project-size problem, but only temporarily, as the new project will creep up in size on every save.

My config:
Dell Dimension 8200 2.4 Gh P4
Mykerinos MB 4
Dual I/O
256 mb ram
XP Pro
Auto save off

Steve Rush

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problem solved?

Postby Steve » Thu Jun 12, 2003 21:00

Ok....I checked out the project I'm having problems with and there was no automation on it. I went into the Automation menu and then clicked on 'automation tracks', then delete all tracks (even though there was no automation on the project). Then a save, and voila, the project shrank down to a reasonable size! Then I did about 40 random edits and saved and the project grew in size from 250k to 261k, which I think is reasonable. I then deleted the automation tracks again and resaved and the size of the project stayed at 261. This possibly points to an automation bug perhaps?

I'm on RC5. I know this isn't the beta board but thanks Andy for sharing the info.


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Postby Rubato » Fri Jun 13, 2003 00:43


For me, the solution is to delete previous automation tracks, as discussed.

I have no idea why your session benefitted from this move unless it somehow had automation on it that you didn't know about. FWIW, it seems that if automation is in 'write', lots of info is written, even if the operator makes no moves. Perhaps the 'write' button was on, or some bug writes info even if it's not? What RC are you on?

I don't get why PMX would take so long to 'save' a heavily automated session. Is this kind of information unusually dense?