Monitoring Other Applications with Mykerinos

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Monitoring Other Applications with Mykerinos

Postby Adler » Wed Aug 11, 2010 20:06

Hello all,

I will be testing the trial edition of Adobe Audition 3 for some of its noise reduction and time stretching capabilities. How do I route the stereo output of a third party application to the Mykerinos card for monitoring purposes. I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around it.

Any input would be most appreciated.

Chris Adler
Mindtree Studios

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Re: Monitoring Other Applications with Mykerinos

Postby Graemme » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:35

Hi Chris,

When you install Audition and set it up to work in ASIO mode, you'll see "ASIO Mykerinos" as one of the driver choices. This is all you need. However, prepare be seriously underwhelmed by the performance of the Mykerinos ASIO driver...

Another way to use the Mykerinos would be the "MT ASIO Bridge" system. Here you are using virtual patch cables between Audition and Pyramix. This will likely perform better than the above suggestion (understatement of the year...) and lets you run the two apps simultaneously. This "MT ASIO Bridge" will also show up as a driver option in Audition's ASIO driver list. You must enable "MT ASIO Bridge" in the VS3 setup control panel.

There's more in the maual on page 194.

Graemme Brown
Zen Mastering
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Re: Monitoring Other Applications with Mykerinos

Postby Adler » Thu Aug 12, 2010 15:28

Thank you, Graemme.

Chris Adler

Mindtree Studios