Mixdown multiple clips as individual files ??

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Lucas Fender
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 02:21

Mixdown multiple clips as individual files ??

Postby Lucas Fender » Tue Sep 18, 2007 21:25

Fellow Pyramix users, I need your help doing the following:

Using the "Mixdown" function (or any other function, for that matter) to 'export' individual clips.

Basic background on this - we capture audio at high-res. (88.2/96, 24) and sequence it as individual clips on a stereo track, drawing fades on each clip. Adding marks and generating a CD image is cakewalk. When we occasionally need to produce MP3 files for clients, we must have 44.1/48kHz 24bit files for the MP3 converter. Currently we use a 2-step process in Pyramix - "Mixdown" each file so that it is trimmed and includes any fades, and sample rate conversion. The way I've been doing this is one...file...at...at...time.

Is there any way at all to have the Mixdown process create individual clips, separated by track markers?

Posts: 41
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 21:50
Location: Oslo, Norway

Postby dBRippel » Thu Sep 20, 2007 00:03


If you haven't made any mixer automation, use Project>Render.

1. Make sure that all clips that are to be exported as a single file are clip grouped.
2. Select all clips that you want to export.
3. Open File>Render
4. Make sure that Source>Selection (Split by Groups) is chosen
5. Choose your destination, file format and resolution
6. You don't have to name the rendered files since they will get the same name as the clips in the EDL (grouped clips inherits name from first clip)
7. The rendered tracks are automatically imported to you project and replaces the original clips in the EDL. If this is not intentional, just hit CTRL+Z and your back to the original clips. The exported files are still OK.

Øystein Halvorsen

Lucas Fender
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 02:21

Postby Lucas Fender » Thu Sep 20, 2007 20:42

Øystein - thanks for the reply.

Is it possible to add other "Process Plug-ins", e.g. sample-rate conversion?

Lastly, does the "Render" process respect adjustments to individual clip gains?


Posts: 41
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 21:50
Location: Oslo, Norway

Postby dBRippel » Fri Sep 21, 2007 00:14

Hi Lucas,

You can add plug-ins to the rendering process in the Render dialog box>Render Process. Unfortunately the option "Selection (Split by Groups)" does not work when you add i.e an Effects Rack VST plug-in. All clips in your selection will be rendered to one clip/file. You can not add sample rate conversion in the render process.

Use Project>Convert instead. You can choose sample rate, file format and destination for the converted audio files, but you can not choose bitrate.
Be aware that all clips in your project get their media reference updated to the new converted files. Do the conversion on a copy of your project!

Maybe it is easier to import the generated CD image into a new project and then render each track to individual files?

The render process respects fade in/out, crossfades, individual clip gain and envelope gain, but not mixer automation.

Øystein Halvorsen

Posts: 41
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 21:50
Location: Oslo, Norway

Postby dBRippel » Fri Sep 21, 2007 00:22

Check out thread http://forum.merging.com/viewtopic.php?t=3267 for more info on importing a cd image.

- Øystein -