I have a 24/25 related question:
Mastering a 24 fps Movie (1 min Commercial) in an 25 fps 5.1 environment.
Pyracube: Masscore & Vcube SD combined running in an 25 fps environment.
Playing the 24 fps Movie in 25 fps causes VCube to interpolates cq timecorrects, cq "add frames to the movie", thus correcting the length. The movie is stacked with close-up dialog, spotfx, and frame accurate audiocuts. The 5.1 audio stems, Dialog, FX, Ambs, Music are neatly on the timeline. Stereo Branch is available on the mix!er.
How can I be sure that the VCube interpolation corresponds to the correct frame? AFAIK, I can't. Whatever I do, can't get it right in one converion, pitch/stretch/MPEX3, won't work.
Here is my Solution, but is it correct?
I set VCube in 24 fps. I leave PMX in 25 fps. I assign PMX as clockmaster en timecodemaster in Virtual Transport. I Perform regular mastering in 25 fps. And then perform the regular uppitch on the Master using pitch/stretch.
VCube running in 24 fps behaves normal. It is in sync wth PMX, not interpolating, and still displaying the correct length (1 min).
I think it works, but anybody out there finished this read and has a deeper insight?
VCube 24/25 question concerning Movie conversion.
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VCube 24/25 question concerning Movie conversion.
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Re: VCube 24/25 question concerning Movie conversion.
In answer to my own question: Yes it works! VCube running "wild" in 24 fps can be properly synced to PMX running in 25 fps on a PyraCube! After the uppitch the project was correctly Dolby-mastered to the 24 fps movie.
Allthough I haven't got a clue how Vcube managed to display the Movie on my 25 fps T.V?
Allthough I haven't got a clue how Vcube managed to display the Movie on my 25 fps T.V?
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