beginner's questions

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Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 17:39

beginner's questions

Postby brendonheinst » Mon Sep 16, 2013 17:46

Hello everyone, first time poster here.

My name is Brendon Heinst and I work as a recording assistant and videographer for Bert van der Wolf at Northstar Recording Services.

Bert has recently purchased a VCube HD system, which we are trying to set up at the moment. Having only some experience with Adobe's After Effects and Premiere Pro, I still have some questions.

Firstly, on the Merging website it said VCube can be used as anything from a playback device, to a montage system to even a colour grading suite. However, I was trying to find anything like a colour grading suite on it, but it seems to me it is not pre-installed. My question therefore is, is this colour grading software optional? And if so, which software is it?

Furthermore, the VCube software seems to not like my raw footage from the Nikon D7000 (H.264); everytime I try to import a clip, it shuts down completely with a Windows-window saying the program needs to be closed down and whether I want to send a notification to Microsoft. My question here is; does VCube import H.264 material straight from camera? It seems fine with rendered H.264 material from After Effects or Premiere Pro.

Thank you very much in advance.

Brendon Heinst