Classic wrote:Hi, I've Pyramix Native 8.1. When I do a mixdown (from 96 khz 24 bit audio) to MP3 format it displays a failed message.
There was a bug, supposedly fixed in the version 8.0.10 release, where mixdown or publishing to MP3 at Sample Rates above 48 kHz. would fail if the MP3 Sample Rate conversion setting was set to "No Change". For what it's worth, I too was unable to mix to MP3 from a 96 kHz. session unless I enabled SRC to mix to 48 kHz. SR.
The work-around would be either to mix using Pyramix's SRC, or mix to a WAV file, and then use a third party converter to create an MP3 from that.
Classic wrote:I read about a key, but I not understand what kind of key I need.
You need the "Advanced Audio Codec Support" key to provide you with the capability of using/mixing/publishing to FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, AAC and MP3 files. Contact your dealer for details.
I own this key, but as noted before, I could not mix to MP3 at any SR over 48 kHz.