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Altiverb suddenly disappears?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 22:18
by Mark Lemaire
This may be an issue with something other than PMX, but I am tracing the issue and it looks like PMX experts might be able to help. So:

I have been using 'Altiverb 7 Regular' since October 2020.

Windows 10 Professional (running on a MacBook Pro using Bootcamp)
Pyramix 11.5 (DAW)
iLok USB for dongle

Yesterday (June 3, 2024) I was using Pyramix on the above system. Altiverb was in use. I touched the physical dongle- doing this may have caused the problem. In any case, I got a warning that said something like 'Must Authorise Audio Ease' *

* It may have said something else, but it was a warning that Altiverb/ AudioEase was having a problem.

At that point, the Altiverb went offline, and I have not managed to fix the problem. All my Pyramix projects show Altiverb crossed out on the mixer. It's no longer listed among the plug-ins in the PMX environment, but appears to still be present on the PC.

- I opened iLok and iLok appears to be working. The Altiverb license is there and appears to be 'seen' by the iLok dongle (no warning or problems seem apparent). I have synchronized the iLok.

What do you folks suggest? Ideas?