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by klaukholm
Wed Jun 12, 2019 16:14
Topic: Talkback button behaviour request
Replies: 6
Views: 23205

Re: Talkback button behaviour request

Of course, make it programmable with options, but for professional classical production the current non latching just does not work for most producers.
A somewhat standard behaviour is expected as implemented by Stagetec, DoTec etc.
by klaukholm
Mon Jun 03, 2019 14:21
Topic: Talkback button behaviour request
Replies: 6
Views: 23205

Talkback button behaviour request

As far as I can tell, there is no way to program the talk button to behave as follows:

Quick tap latches, while holding puts it in non latching mode.
This is a somewhat useful and standard behaviour and I would request it be implemented if possible.
by klaukholm
Fri Jan 25, 2019 16:17
Forum: 3rd Party controllers
Topic: Simple controller for volume automation?
Replies: 2
Views: 13855

Re: Simple controller for volume automation?

I am looking for a simple controller for volume and possibly pan automation. I do not need lots of functionality, but high quality tracking of movements. Any suggestions in 2018. Closest I find is Avid S3 at €5000. Hoping to find something more in the €500 region. You can have my Tango with expansi...
by klaukholm
Fri Apr 06, 2018 09:58
Forum: Merging AD/DA Converters Hardware
Topic: Core Audio driver does not work
Replies: 3
Views: 15238

Re: Core Audio driver does not work

I have two identical 2017 Macbook Pro, and the other one is now upgraded to OS X 10.13.4, and it has a kind of short 2-3 second distortion in every one, one and a half minutes. It is a bit annoying. The current driver is not compatible with 10.13.4. It is IMO generally a bad idea to use anything bu...
by klaukholm
Wed Mar 21, 2018 15:48
Forum: Pyramix General
Topic: Network Cable Unplugged
Replies: 1
Views: 12302

Re: Network Cable Unplugged

Depending what version you were updating from, you may need to also update masscore. Read the release notes.
by klaukholm
Tue Mar 06, 2018 20:08
Forum: Merging AD/DA Converters Hardware
Topic: HAPI pricing? Is AD/DA card included?
Replies: 1
Views: 13216

Re: HAPI pricing? Is AD/DA card included?

Swedish prices in PM (assuming you are Swedish)
by klaukholm
Thu Feb 22, 2018 16:09
Forum: 3rd Party controllers
Topic: Avid S3
Replies: 14
Views: 84725

Re: Avid S3

The clear solo is on their to-do list so I think it may possibly be fixed in v11.1
by klaukholm
Sat Feb 10, 2018 20:29
Forum: 3rd Party controllers
Topic: Protools|Control
Replies: 4
Views: 23502

Re: Protools|Control

Thanks Klaukholm for the reply, Do you think it will work now for simple Pyramix tasks like fader-rides, pan left/right or trimpots in the mixerpanel, or better wait till Avid makes it realy tight ? (I'm looking, at the moment, for a good and small Eucon controller.. The Dock and Artist series seem...
by klaukholm
Fri Feb 09, 2018 23:30
Forum: 3rd Party controllers
Topic: Avid S3
Replies: 14
Views: 84725

Re: Avid S3

I could be wrong, but the clear solo is not pre assigned, and I cannot see a way to manually assign it. You can do it on the 5MC.
by klaukholm
Fri Feb 09, 2018 13:23
Forum: 3rd Party controllers
Topic: Avid S3
Replies: 14
Views: 84725

Re: Avid S3

charlienyc wrote:I'm running the S3 now and it's been a wonderful addition. Does anyone know if the designated solo clear key can work in Pyramix, or if there's a workaround to have a user-assigned key mapped to this function?

Still an issue. It would be very nice if we could get this working.
by klaukholm
Fri Feb 09, 2018 13:21
Forum: 3rd Party controllers
Topic: Protools|Control
Replies: 4
Views: 23502

Re: Protools|Control

We have it here along with an S3 and the Dock. It works very well, but for Pyramix, quite a few of the Eucon commands trigger the wrong event as well as tending to trigger some events multiple times with one buttonpush. This needs to be fixed, but once that is done it will be an excellent tool IMO.
by klaukholm
Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:28
Forum: Pyramix General
Topic: Pyramix 11, no PMF mixdown?
Replies: 1
Views: 12483

Re: Pyramix 11, no PMF mixdown?

It is in the release notes: PMF File format has been removed from the available Mixdown formats as of Pyramix v11 due to compliance issues. As of Pyramix v11 our recommendations are:  For Recording: PMF remains recommended for PCM use and DSDIFF for DSD Records Note: MTFF is currently not recommend...
by klaukholm
Fri Jan 26, 2018 17:14
Forum: Pyramix General
Topic: Easy Connect not connecting
Replies: 14
Views: 33193

Re: Easy Connect not connecting

Contact the dealer where you purchased the unit. They are the appropriate channel for support. In turn the distributor.
by klaukholm
Tue Dec 12, 2017 09:44
Forum: The Merging Cellar
Topic: Laptop recommendations
Replies: 2
Views: 14681

Re: Laptop recommendations

I am using a USB3 to Ethernet adapter on my thinkpad and it works very well.
by klaukholm
Wed Oct 25, 2017 08:25
Forum: Pyramix General
Topic: Edit in external editor - how to get file back in Pyramix?
Replies: 24
Views: 36876

Re: Edit in external editor - how to get file back in Pyrami

Unless you have a large volume of denoising work, I would stick with an updated RX and Algorithmix.