Pyramix 10 - VCube 6 - Ovation 6 - Official Release

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Merging Technologies
Posts: 82
Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 18:31

Pyramix 10 - VCube 6 - Ovation 6 - Official Release

Postby Merging Technologies » Tue Dec 15, 2015 13:20

Dear Merging Customers,

The Merging Technologies Development Team is pleased to announce the release of Pyramix v10, VCube v6 and Ovation v6.

To run those new versions you must use the new V10/V6 keys! Users with valid ASM will receive those keys automatically.
If you have not received your keys yet please verify with your Merging local sales partner or contact
Make sure that this is the case before you download and install this version.

Pyramix v10 Released

This new Pyramix 10 version includes; new features, improvements and bug fixes. Refer to the release notes for more details.

There are a number of YouTube videos outlining the use of the new features. They can be found at the following links. For the moment, the videos are marked as private, so you must use the links below in order to view them.

Pyramix 10 Configuring and Routing the Mixer:
Pyramix 10 Panner Interface & Operation:
Pyramix 10 Dolby Atmos Object Bus:
Pyramix 10 New Buses Explanation:
Pyramix 10 Video in Timeline Overview:

Pyramix 10 is packaged into completely new offerings. Please see below as to which pack you will be receiving.

Native Packs
Broadcast -> Pyramix Essentials
Music -> Pyramix Native
Post -> Pyramix Native Pro
Mastering-> Pyramix Native Pro

MassCore Packs 48-128 Bus
Broadcast-> MassCore Standard
Music-> MassCore Standard
Post-> MassCore Pro
Mastering-> MassCore Pro

MassCore Packs 256+
Broadcast-> MassCore Standard (with 256 Buses)
Music-> MassCore Standard (with 256 Buses)
Post -> MassCore Extended
Mastering-> MassCore Extended

For more details see with your local sales office.

- New General Mixing Bus (Unlimited number of channels)
- New Panning Control Bus (3D Panning)
- New Advanced Panning Control Bus Window (Advanced 3D panning)
- New Monitoring Section (for new Channel Types support)
- New Mixer Wizard (accommodates new busses)
- New Integrated Video Support in Pyramix
- New MassCore (RTX64-2014 based) update version
- Windows 8.1 Professional (64bit) support for Pyramix Native & Native/RAVENNA
(MassCore is supported only on Windows 7-64bit as of Pyramix v10)
- Mixer improvements
- RAVENNA ASIO Driver improvements
- Plus more Improvements & Bugs fixed

Please carefully read the release notes for the installation procedure for all details.

WARNING: Pyramix v10 requires new v10 Keys
WARNING: Pyramix v10 is only supported under 64bit OS. Windows 32bit OS are no longer supported as of v10
WARNING: Pyramix v10 comes with a new MassCore version that must be installed. Refer to Installation Guide for all details. If you are already running MassCore with the v10 beta4 or RC1 will not need to remove it once upgrading to v10.0.6
WARNING: Pyramix users running on 32bit OS with Mykerinos will have to remain on Pyramix v9.1
WARNING: Flux VS3 Users must update to the new Flux VS3 package in order to use them along Pyramixv10
New Flux VS3 for Pyramix v10:[/ color]
[color=#BF0000]WARNING: Controllers: TANGO I and II are supported under Pyramixv10. Refer to the Release Notes for all details

- Prior to installing Pyramix v10 we recommend that you read the release notes and known issues
- Pyramix v9 keys are no longer valid as of Pyramix v10
- MassCore Users that have a Pyramix version already installed must first uninstall their Pyramix and reboot. See the Installation Guide or Release Notes for all details
- HASP dongles are not supported under 64bit, users must purchase a SafeNet dongle in such case
- At the Pyramix v10 install you might have a “Bonjour” pending and other Microsoft requirements. Please proceed with those installations and afterwards the Pyramix installer will start. Once Pyramix is installed and MassCore installed from the MT Security> MassCore Tab it is Mandatory that you reboot your system.
- Users that need to run Pyramix and VCube on the same system configuration should be using the integrated playback Video feature new to Pyramix v10. Otherwise the VCube v6.0.6 should run along Pyramix v10.0.6
- For Pyramix v10 systems recommendations please refer to the link below:
- System configuration recommendations
- Follow the Pyramix v10 Installation Guide:

Installation Troubleshooting:

- Pyramix 10 projects are not compatible with Pyramix v9.1 in order to open such projects in an older Pyramix version please make sure that you perform the proper Save Special.
Warning: V10 Project using the new Bus structure cannot be saved and opened in a previous version (e.g. Save Special as v9.0 is not possible if using new Buses).

Horus and Hapi users should be on the latest Firmware version

- Pyramix v10.0.6 Release (64 Bit installers):
- Pyramix v10.0 Release Notes:
- Pyramix v10 Installation Guide:
- Pyramix User Manual:
- Merging Ravenna Easy Connect Guide:
- MTDiscovery User Guide (for Horus users):

- The Flux plugins V3/VS3 series come as a separate installer.
Flux VS3 Users must update to the new Flux VS3 – For Pyramix v10 package in order to use them along with Pyramix v10

RAVENNA Driver for ASIO (PC) and Core Audio (MAC):
Those RAVENNA Drivers will allow the running of RAVENNA in ASIO (PC Windows) or Core Audio (MAC) with your Merging Technologies Horus converter. Users installing the Ravenna ASIO driver must remove their previous installed version under the Windows Programs (if ever you had a pre-beta version installed).

Documentation and links below.
- RAVENNA ASIO and Core Audio Drivers documentation
- RAVENNA ASIO Driver (For Windows 7 -64bit & Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit PC users):
- RAVENNA Core Audio Driver (For MAC users / With Yosemite and El Capitan OS-X support and Horus / Hapi MIDI Preamp Remote Control improvements):

Audio Magic Ring
- AMR v10.0.6 Release (64 Bit installer):

Ovation v6 Released

This new Ovation 6 version includes; new features, improvements and bug fixes. Refer to the release notes for more details.

- New General Mixing Bus (Unlimited number of channels)
- New Panning Control Bus (3D Panning)
- New Advanced Panning Control Bus Window (Advanced 3D panning)
- New MassCore (RTX64-2014 based) update version
- Mixer improvements
- RAVENNA ASIO Driver improvements
- Plus more Improvements & Bugs fixed


WARNING: Ovation v6 requires new v6 Keys
WARNING: Ovation v6 comes with a new MassCore version that must be installed. Refer to Installation Guide for all details. If you are already running MassCore with the v6 beta4 or RC1 will not need to remove it once upgrading to v6.0.6
WARNING: The Ovation v6 is only supported under 64bit OS. Windows 32bit OS are no longer supported as of v6
WARNING: The Ovation users running on 32bit OS with Mykerinos will have to remain on Ovation v5.1
WARNING: Ovation v6 project using the new Buses structure cannot be save and opened on an Ovation v5.1 version
WARNING: Users currently running in MassCore on a Core2Duo should NOT update to Ovation v6
- Prior to installing Ovation v6 we recommend that you read the release notes and known issues
- HASP dongles are not supported under 64bit, users must purchase a SafeNet dongle in such case
- At the Ovation v6 install you might have a “Bonjour” pending and other Microsoft requirements. Please proceed with those installations and afterwards the Ovation installer will start. Once Pyramix and Ovation are installed it is Mandatory that you reboot your system.
- For Ovation v6 systems recommendations please refer to the link below:
- System configuration recommendations
- Follow the Ovation v6 Installation Guide:

Installation Troubleshooting:

Horus and Hapi users should be on the latest Firmware version

- Ovation v6.0.6 Release (64 bit installer):
-Ovation v6.0 Release Notes:
- Ovation v6 Installation Guide (based on Pyramix v10 installation for now):
-Ovation v6 User Manual:

- The Flux plugins V3/VS3 series come as a separate installer.
Flux VS3 Users must update to the new Flux VS3 – For Ovation v6 package in order to use them along with Ovation v6

RAVENNA Driver for ASIO (PC) and Core Audio (MAC):
Those RAVENNA Drivers will allow the running of RAVENNA in ASIO (PC Windows) or Core Audio (MAC) with your Merging Technologies Horus converter. Users installing the Ravenna ASIO driver must remove their previous installed version under the Windows Programs (if ever you had a pre-beta version installed).

Documentation and links below.
- RAVENNA ASIO and Core Audio Drivers documentation
- RAVENNA ASIO Driver (For Windows 7 -64bit & Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit PC users):
- RAVENNA Core Audio Driver (For MAC users / With Yosemite and El Capitan OS-X support and Horus / Hapi MIDI Preamp Remote Control improvements):

Audio Magic Ring
- AMR v10.0.6 Release (64 Bit installer):

VCube v6 Released

This new VCube 6 version includes; new features, improvements and bug fixes. Refer to the release notes for more details.

- Improved audio routing when recording or rendering
- 4K Playback
- Faster Render performance
- Import FCP-7 XML into current project supported
- Support for .mp4 files Render & Wrap. Render to H264 requires the new “H264 Encoder” Key (VSO-H264-ENC)
- And Bugs fixed

Please carefully read the release notes prior to installing this new release.
systems recommendations please refer to the link below:
- System configuration recommendations
Then follow in the installation procedure.

WARNING: VCube v6 requires new v6 Keys
WARNING: VCube v6 is only supported under Windows 7- 64bit OS. Windows 32bit OS are no longer supported as of v6.0
WARNING: The VCube users running on 32bit OS with Mykerinos will have to remain on VCube v5.1, since Mykerinos is not supported under 64bit OS. Please consult your options as per the VCube configuration page
- Render video to H264 requires the new “VSO-H264-ENC” Key option
- VCube v5 keys are no longer valid as of VCube v6
- Merging recommends that users remove the previous version of VCube installed on their system prior to installing VCube v6
- You might be warned of pending requirements at installation please proceed and install accordingly if so
- For the Blackmagic design Video Cards installation please follow the VCube release notes
- The VCube configuration is configured through the VS3 Control Panel
- Users with Pyramix and VCube installed on the same system, it is mandatory that you upgrade your Pyramix to v10.0.6 release to go along side VCube v6.0.6 Merging highly recommends that you use instead use the new Video playback support included in Pyramix v10 before installing VCube, it might do just what you need.
- HASP dongles are not supported under 64bit, users must purchase a SafeNet dongle in such case
- VCube v6 is not supported on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10

- VCube v6.0.6 Release (64 bit installers only):
- VCube v6.0 Release Notes:
- VCube v6.0 Installation Guide:
- VCube v6.0 User Manual:

Once again, the whole team would like to thank you for your efforts, patience and commitment.

Best Regards,

The Merging Team